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Seb was doing a YouTube video, flirting with NSB members.

He went to cuddle with Regie who was lying under some light sheets in bed.

Justin walked in and knelt by the edge of Regie's bed, watching Seb getting flirty with Regie on camera.

Regie was mumbling to Seb, 'What do you want from me?', rolling away from him but Seb was drawing closer and closer asking for cuddles in quite a sweet tone

Justin raised an eyebrow at Seb, 'What're you doing bruh?

'I want some bromance, I want some love bro, what's wrong with that dude?' Seb said, extending his arm to cuddle Regie

Justin slightly frowned, 'Dude, that's a weird kind of love'

Seb paused his video, 'What did you say bruh?' he asked Justin.

Regie sat up and asked Justin too, 'Yeah bro! What the heck did you say?'

Justin looked at both of them quizzically, 'Wait a minute, are you'

Seb exclaimed, 'OMG! You can't even say the damn g word?'

Justin stood from the edge of the bed, freaking out a bit as Regie and Seb were leaning towards him, 'Guys! Whoa! Don't come close'

Justin knew how sensitive his body was, to Seb and Regie's touch. 

His body always betrayed him whenever they hugged him, hung arms over his shoulders or patted his head. Touch excited him, yet he was scared the boys would find it weird so he had a habit of avoiding close proximity.

Regie got out of bed and attempted to grab Justin's hand, 'C'mon dude! Why're you freaking out?'

'I'm not freaking out' Justin said while taking steps back, away from Regie and Seb

'Where are you going Justin? Are you scared of a little bit of bromance?' Seb asked, strutting towards him.

Justin stammered, 'GU....Guys......sto......stop.....messing around' he let out a nervous chuckle

Seb and Regie kept walking towards him until Justin's back hit the door.

'Regie don't ......' Justin screamed when Regie trapped him with his arms on either side of the door.

Regie whispered into Justin's ear, 'Don't do what???'

Seb whispered in Justin's other ear, 'Dude! What do you think we're gonna do to you?'

'I need to go' Justin said, trying to open the door but Regie's arms were firm on the door.

'Let's hang out here a bit' Regie said, pulling Justin to the bed

Justin loudly yelled, 'LET ME GO' getting out of Regie's grip

Seb pushed Justin from behind, 'Why're you yelling bro? We ain't gonna hurt you' 

 Justin fell onto the bed.

Seb and Regie swiftly got into bed and sandwiched him between them.

'Guys what're you trying to do?' Justin asked, fidgeting between the two.

'Nothing, just relax dude' Seb said, taking off his shirt while Regie took off Justin's sweater and t shirt.

'Oh my god! Regiiieeee don't take off my clothes' Justin pleaded, but in a few seconds he was shirtless between 2 shirtless guys

'Let's cuddle bro' Seb said

Seb and Regie cuddled to Justin's rigid body

'Relax bro' Regie said, caressing his hand all over Justin's torso

Justin gasped, 'Oh gosh.....Regie....don''re tickling me' Justin felt tantalised and Regie noticed

'Ooohhh are you sensitive dude?' Regie teased Justin by deliberately caressing super lightly

Justin's abs twitched to Regie's hand and he let out a faint moan, 'Just stop Regie. I'm not sensitive'

'Your body is telling a different story dude' Seb said, attacking Justin's nips with his tongue

Justin hard pressed his lips not to moan but his body was squirming and getting weaker with every touch

'You like this kind of love don't ya?' Regie hummed to Justin

Justin couldn't answer, trying his best not to seem aroused. He nodded his head sideways in denial, though he was enjoying every moment of it

'You sure about that bro?' Seb leaned in to kiss Justin's nape while Regie smooched Justin's lips.

Justin froze when Regie's plushy lips rubbed on his glossed soft lips so beautifully.

For a few seconds he was so mesmerized, lost in the sweet kiss .........until Regie broke the kiss.

Justin blurted, 'Ew! What the fuck is wrong with you?' He pretended to be repulsed. Seb and Regie clearly saw through his fake act

'Nothing is wrong with me bruh? You like this shit, why're you saying it's wrong?' Regie asked

Justin mumbled, 'Well, isn't it weird if I like it?' He shyly kept his gaze down

Seb sat atop Justin's crotch and humped, 'It's not weird, feels good right?' 

Justin nodded, 'Yep'  frictioning his clothed crotch onto Seb's.

Seb unzipped Justin's jeans and slipped his hand into Justin's boxers, 'You feel good bro?'

Justin's body literally jolted and he squealed, 'Ah! Seb! Ah ....oh my gosh'

'You feel good don't ya?' Seb asked

Justin moaned, 'Oh gosh! Seb! Don't .....'

Seb asked in a deep voice, still jerking Justin quickly, 'DON'T WHAT?'

Justin muffled while moaning, 'Seb....Don't..... Stop....ah!'

He was about to cum in Seb's hand but then Regie stopped Seb

'Not today.' Regie said to Seb.

'Okay daddy' Seb said.

Justin was so hard, his dick almost hitting his tummy. He needed to take care of his boner privately so he tried to get out of bed but Seb and Regie cuddled onto him

'Sleep. We'll take care of that in the morning' Regie said while holding onto Justin's dick.

Justin desperately wanted him to jerk it but Regie didn't A few minutes later  they all fell asleep. 

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