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I: First, could you tell me why you are here? I mean, what brings you here?
A: Um... well... I...
I: Why are you afraid of me? I won't do anything to harm you... Okay, first, tell me about yourself, like what food you like, your favorite movie, where you like to go, etc. Then I'll share about myself too.
A: Um, I like cauliflower parathas, my favorite movie is Dil Bechara, I like going to beaches...
I: We have so much in common, I like all those things too... Okay, now hold this slime and play with it.
A: What will this do?
I: Whenever you feel nervous, play with it and you'll relax.
A: Okay...
I: Answer my questions, and I promise I won't tell anyone your secrets. You can share everything with me. Now, tell me, what brings you here?
A: I'm feeling really depressed, it seems like everyone is against me, I have no one to share my feelings with, and my mother's eyes welled up.
I: Listen, relax. You can share everything with me, feel free. Now, tell me why you feel this way and when it started.
A: Ever since my mother had an accident and is in a coma, my girlfriend broke up with me, and my dad won't talk to me 😢
I: I'm so sorry, have you tried talking to them?
A: I've never really talked to them properly. Whenever I tried, they would scold me, and mom would defend me... they never tried to understand me ☹️ and I came here secretly because if I told them, they would say I'm just pretending to need money from them.
I: If you ever need to share anything, come to me. You can come without an appointment, you're a friend of my brother-in-law. Ishqi said all this to make Ahaan smile, then she said...
I: When you have your appointment and you're free, meet Cloe and Riley, they are therapy dogs here, I'll introduce you.
Ahaan nodded and followed Ishqi. They stood outside a room, Ishqi took out two dog treats from her pocket, gave one to Ahaan, and opened the door. As soon as the door opened, Cloe and Riley stood up, waiting for them to come in. When they entered, both dogs started wagging their tails...
I: Good girls, not today, take these treats.
While giving a treat to Cloe, Riley was waiting for her treat, but when she saw Cloe finish it, she looked sad.
Ishqi to Ahaan: Why is she standing, she looks sad.
A: Yes.
Ahaan sat in front of Riley, gave her the treat, and Riley happily started eating. Ishqi told Ahaan...
I: Play with them, I'll finish some work and come back.
A: Okay...
Ishqi left and started her work, while Ahaan played with Cloe and Riley. After 30 minutes, Ishqi returned and said...
I: Let's go now, Priya will take care of them.
A: Okay, but who is Priya?
I: She's my friend, and she's their owner, she gave them to me.
A: Oh, okay, I'll leave now, bye.
I: Let's go together, we'll get to know each other, and you won't feel awkward with me.
A: How do you speak so freely? Leaving the office.
I, following him: I'm just used to speaking my mind since childhood.
A: I've been told to behave properly since childhood because my dad is a businessman, and his son should behave well.
I: My dad is a businessman too.
A: What really? How did you become a psychiatrist then? I've always been told that I have to take over the company in the future.
I: Yes, he has no problem with me being a psychiatrist as long as I'm doing well and standing on my own feet, he's happy.
A: Wow, I wasn't given any option other than the company.
I: Okay... so what are your hobbies?
A: It might sound a bit weird, but I really enjoy baking, and I want to open my own bakery.
I: Okay, what's weird about that?
A: Didn't you find it weird?
I: No, what's weird about it?
A: That a guy likes working in the kitchen.
I: If you enjoy doing something, no one can stop you. Your dad and everyone should follow their dreams, there's no rule saying guys can't open bakeries or work in the kitchen, and girls can do anything. My sister even developed an app and is one of the top 15 richest app developers, mostly guys are on that list... and if you truly want to open a bakery, one day it will happen, remember the line from Om Shanti Om, "They say... if you truly desire something from the heart, then the whole universe will conspire to make it happen."
A: Yes, but how do I explain this to my dad...
I: He wants what's best for you, try talking to him once, if he doesn't agree, wait, he'll come around.
A: Okay, I'll try.
I: Good, I have to go now, bye.
A: Bye.
Ahaan left feeling much better, feeling like someone finally understood him. As he stepped into the Malhotra mansion, his father shouted...
V: Where are you coming from? Where did you waste my money all day?
A: Nowhere, dad.
V: I've kept food, eat it.
And Veer went to his room after hearing Ahaan's reply. Ahaan felt sad hearing all this but didn't feel alone, he had his meal and went to sleep in his room.
At Ishqi's home,
Ishqi entered her house, sat on the sofa, and her father came in, sat beside her, and asked...
Ra: How was your day?
I: It was good, I made a new friend today.
Ra: That's good, but you usually keep personal and professional life separate, how did this happen?
I: He's Kartik's friend, so I became friends with him too.
Ra: That's nice, let's wash up and then we'll all have dinner together.
I: Okay, I'll be right back.
Ishqi washed up and returned to the dining area to have dinner.
Ish: How was your day, sis? Dad was saying you made a new friend.
I: Yeah, he was feeling awkward, so I made a friend.
Ish: Is he hot?
I: What? What are you saying, he's my patient, and I don't look at my patients that way. Besides, you have a boyfriend, will you cheat on him?
Ish: I was asking for you, anyway, how long will you stay single?
I: Until God sends someone.
Ish: Oh, that...
Lata interrupted, saying...
La: How much longer will you two fight? Be quiet now and have dinner.
Both together: Sorry.
Then everyone had dinner and after watching TV for a while, they went to sleep.

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