Chapter 15 - The Return Of An Old Friend

Start from the beginning

-"Then what are you going to do?"

-"I've decided to live my life as if I was a single man"

-"That's absurd! Don't you want to try to make it work?" he wondered.

-"What would you do if you were in my position?" I asked him back.

-"You know what would I do. I would fight. I never hand over my weapons" he told me determined.

-"But she doesn't want me."

-""Did you try to show her that you have feelings for her?"


-"Then how are you so sure about it? How do you surrender your weapons when you haven't fought your fight yet? In my opinion, you're just walking out. Where's the fighter I know?"

-"But she doesn't want me."

-"Have you tried? Did you show her your feelings?"

-"What do you suggest?"

-"For starters, arrange a dinner for you, your wife and me. Then I'll tell you our next moves..."

-"That's easy. You'll be our guest of honor tonight!"

The hours passed quickly and pleasantly with Alexander updating me on his professional successes.

When the hour of the dinner arrived, Alexandros and I were already at the dining room waiting for Melina to arrive. After a few seconds, Melina entered the room. We both stood up and Alexandros made a few steps towards her. Melina slowly approached the table. She was wearing a light yellow dress and her hair was tied. She was dazzling!

-"My dear, I am Alexandros Varnas and I am very glad to meet you! You are absolutely stunning!" Alexandros said while Melina gave him her hand that he kissed respectfully.

-"Thank you, Sir your words are very flattering" she replied timidly.

-"Melina, Alexandros is like a father to me. He is my light in my darkness, he's my savior" I explained to her.

-"Now you're exaggerating son!" Alexandros contradicted.

-"You know I am not. I am just telling the truth!" I assured.

-"My beautiful bride I am really sorry I didn't make it to your wedding but I've brought you a little present! I hope you like it!" Alexandros said and and took a blue velvet box out of his jacket.

-"This is for you my dear!" he said and offered it to Melina.

-"Thh.......thank you!" she said timidly and hesitantly took the box and held it on her hands. It was obvious that she was feeling very awkward.

-"Open it" Alexandros encouraged.

Melina opened the box and a beautiful diamond necklace appeared! It had white diamonds and a large blue sapphire in the middle. It was great and very expensive! Alexander was always very generous to the people he loved! Once again makes me appreciate him more.

-"Oh my God it's wonderful and very expensive! You shouldn't have!" Melina said excited!

-"Nonsense! Ever since you married my son you are like a daughter to me! All I want from you is to love and protect him! He needs a good and strong woman by his side!" Alexandros commented, looking her straight in the eyes.

-"I promise I'll do my best," Melina replied with her head down. Was she embarrassed or was it just an act she was playing? I'll probably never know.

We sat at the table while the maids began to serve the food. We devoured all the sweet goodies while Alexandros described his trip to Argentina and the beauties of this country.

-"The food is really exquisite! But enough about me" Alexandros exclaimed and then addressed to Melina  "Melina, Stavros told me about your work! You are a very different girl you know that? I never heard a girl of noble origin working."

-"I used to help my father in his company before I got married and I really like it. So when I came here I asked Stavros to give me a position in one of his companies and he did! And I can't be more grateful for that!" Melina exclaimed excitedly. Her eyes were sparkling with joy!

-"You're so different from girls your age!" commented Alexander.

-"I don't see it that way" Melina said timidly.

Dinner was pleasant with Alexandros asking Melina several questions about her family, her hobbies. He asked almost everything and she answered every question with joy! It was obvious that they got along very well! I learned things about Melina that I didn't know. It's a wonder how Alexandros extorted so much information about her in just a few hours. When we finished our meal, Melina excused herself and retired upstairs.

When Alexandros and I were left alone I asked him about the impression Melina has made to him.

-"My boy the girl has brains besides looks. Try to win her heart and you will be very happy! I assure you of that! Just try to win her heart!" commented Alexandros.

-"How? She is indifferent to me" I wondered.

-"Be more attentive to her. Take her out, share a hobby or do things together. Bring her closer to you. Give her a position at headquarters. I don't know. The only thing I know is that you have to try. You can't so easily give up on your marriage" Alexandros strongly suggested.

-"I guess I should give that a try" I reassured him.

-"That's my boy! Now if you don't mind I am very tired. I should go to my hotel and get some rest"

-"Hotel? Have you lost your mind? Do you think I am gonna let you stay at the hotel? You will stay here as many days as you want to!"

-"Thank you but I don't want to be a burden"

-"You'll never be a burden to me!" I reassured him and hugged him.

-"Enough with the melodrama. Let's have a scotch before we go to bed"

-"Ι totally agree" I said and went to the bar and made us two. We drank them accompanied by our favorite Cuban cigars and just like that our night ended pleasantly.

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