Matt (2:43)| 5 Hours Until Dawn

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Emily clung onto the bars of the fallen fire tower,

'Matt! Help me!' She screamed

'I'm... thinking,' Matt responded

'Don't think, just do something!'

'Okay fine, just wait a second,' Matt said, leaning down to get Emily. He reached out his hand for her to grab as the tower fell another couple meters. One of Emily's hands let go of the bar and she went to grab Matts, her hand slipped as the fire tower fell again, Matt jumping to a nearby open mine for safety.

'Emily!' He shouted. He looked around for a way to get to her as a shadowy figure grabbed Matt, dragging him against the floor.

'No, Get off! GET OFF!' He shouted as he was dragged into a room with meat hooks

'GET OFF ME!' He shouted as he was lifted into the air. He was practically thrown onto a meat hook as it penetrated his lower jaw, blood filling his mouth as he slowly drowned on it, the blood spilling from his mouth and his eyes rolling back into his head.

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