Favorite Cousins

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"Oh my...so she took the fish in the divorce! My goodness!" Delores sat on the roof of Casita, along with her little brother and cousin.

"I knew it! She always hated him but adored the fish!" Mirabel pointed out and Camilo laughed

"Thats not gossip Delores! Thats more boring than when you found out Tio bruno talks to his rats! As if we didnt already know!"

"Okay okay Im trying, who did you want me to tune into?"

"Uhm...Oh wait lets listen in on mami! I heard her talking about what shes getting Antonio for his birthay and im sooo sick of getting him something awesome and then mami and papi one up me. Im the favorite!"

Mirabel covered her mouth while giggling "favorite? I'd beg to differ! Antonio lived with me for five years! Im his best friend!"

"Oh yeah? Im his big brother! You cant beat the brotherly bond!"

As the cousins were arguing, delores asked Casita to shut them up and casita lifted her roof tiles and smacked them both on the back, seeing delores with a finger to her lips as a "shhh" motion.

"Oh..oh my...Camilo...mami and papi's gift to Antonio isnt as good but Tio Brunos might outdo yours! He said hes getting Antonio a handmade shirt with all the animals Antonio has in his room. Oh thats adorable"

"Craaap! Whats gonna beat that? Little gremlin kid is gonna adore that! Damn it, tio."


"Grandchildren sleepover? What on earth is this for?" Delores asked Alma.

"It is for bonding. You six are going to sleep in one of your rooms and bond. We have noticed some bonds are weaker than others and we must mend it. Pick a room. The night begins at eight pm."

"Si abuela" the six said in unison as they went around debating which room they'd stay in.

"Not mine, i dont trust you kids with my plants" Isabella crossed her arms

"Mine is already crowded with all the animals" antonio piped in

"Knock mine out, its wayyyy too small" mirabel added

Delores volunteered her room, saying it was large and certain parts were soundproof or thin walled depending on wheither she wanted to hear or silence.

"Okay, Delores' room then! Do we all have enough blankets and whatnot?" Mirabel questioned, to which the kids split up to bring their own blankets.

The six made their way into delores' room, all sitting on either the floor or her bed.

"Sooo, what do you all want to do?"

Camilo raised his hand and delores responded with "besides eat"...Camilo lowered his hand

"Lets maybe uhm...oh wait i have an idea! Ill teach you all to sew! Oh itd be so fun!" Mirabel gushed and the rest of them agreed

Mirabel taught them what they were supposed to do and how they were supposed to pull the needles through and whatnot. Antonio being too little to be trusted with a needle so he sat on isabella's lap as she helped him, possibly a little frustrated with the thread but antonio calming her down with his kindness towards his big cousin.

Luisa and Delores were great and caught on quick. Isabella and Antonio took some time but soon enough got it and camilo was still for a while, mirabel coming to check on him and seeing his fingers red and poked with the needle. "Call tia please-"

Mirabel had run down to her mother to fetch camilo some healing pan dulce for him. Holding it out to him but just feeding it to him after a loud complaint of "but mirabellll, im injured. You cant make me feed myself!"

"Camilo! I fed you and now youre healed, grab the rest of the pan!"


"mirabellll, we finished our part of the project" isabella held up her sewn cloths and mirabel happily went to sewing the cloths to make a cute little tapestry

"See? Isnt it beautiful?"

"It is, whats it for?"

"Its an order from someone in town...you all did labor for free! Get owned suckers! Not you Tonito, we love you. I have a few pesos on my desk, go get some okay?" Mirabel kissed antonios forehead and the little boy beamed, a smug little grin as he made his way to mirabels room.

After a few minutes, antonio complains that hes bored and throws a pillow at isabella, which caused her to throw one at mirabel, which turned into a full on fight.

Luisa was getting dogpilled by everyone but obviously got them off with ease. She was VERY careful to not be too rough and hurt her family.

Mirabel laid on isabella to which isa almost screamed because mirabel wouldnt get off of her.

Delores held a pillow on camilos face, happy about the moments of peace until mirabel insisted they needed camilo alive and she had to let him go.

"I know, bummer but your mama wouldnt be happy with that"

"YOU TWO ARE EVIL AND MEAN AND-" camilo cried out but antonio quickly quieted him down

"Camilo, you need to be quiet, isabella and luisa are sleeping!"

The two sisters had laid on the floor and fell asleep, delores giggling and laying down next to them.

"Looks like its just us rebels! Up past our bedtimes" mirabel said, trying to entertain antonio but stopped as soon as she heard him asleep in the middle of the bed.

She turned to camilo, who was zoning out on the other side of antonio while sitting on the bed.

"Hey, we havent had much "twin" time as we did back then, huh?"

Camilo shakes his head and chuckles "do we really look that much alike? The town really called us that"

"I mean, we pretty much looked identical back then...except for these of course" mirabel pointed to her glasses.

"Yeah, we should go back to that...we kinda grew apart lately.."

"I understand camilo, we'll spend more time together"

"Promise?" Camilo held up his pinky

Mirabel chuckled and interlocked her pinky with his "promise"

The two rambled back and forth about everything under the sun and never noticed the time.

"Oh! So youre experimenting with long hair? Its good on you!"

"Yeah, im not sure of the label but its just..me I guess. I identify as camilo and no amount of shapeshifting changes that"

"No matter what you wanna be, ill be right behind you"

Camilo smiled and felt himself dozing off.

"Alright bel, im gonna pass out right here. Ill see ya in the morning. Gnight loser"

Mirabel smiled and laid down as well
"Gnight dumbass, love ya"

"Love ya more, see ya" camilo cuddled up in his blanket and mirabel felt antonio cuddle up towards her. The kids were all warm and happy and they all woke up sore from their weird sleeping positions.

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