"What are you two doing ?" Mary asks her son as she sees Forth kissing Beam's .. stomach ?

"Beam ! What is this ?" Ersia asks with a frown .

Beam looks at Forth . "Move aside ."
He pushes Forth . "Mom .. we are .. um ..

"Forth are you wearing lipstick ?" Mary asks in horror . " Beam what is happening ? Your ....

Beam shakes his head "aunty .. it's not what you are thinking . It's ... we .. we were just ... Forth was .. um. ..

"Forth wipe your lips !" Mary glares at Forth . "What the hell ?"

Forth who was sitting on his bed lazily wipes his lips while standing up . "Momm !"

"Forth I don't comment on your bisexual life style but I am going to be furious if are thinking about cross dressing in your brother's marriage !" Mary shouts .

Beam sighs . Oh gods !

"Mary , your son was kissing my son . And you are shouting about lipstick ?" Ersia looks at her new bestfriend .

" Mom ! He was not kissing . He just .. " Beam looks at Forth with a look like 'say-something-before-it's-too-late .

Forth sighs with a big yawn "we were reharsaling for a drama . Beam was just helping me aunty ... and mom , the lipstick was just an accident . I fell on top of Beam's lipstick coated belly ."

"Drama ?" Mary asks .

"Yes ! I am performing it in my college as a moon ." Forth informs .

Beam breathes in relief . Forth is good at lying .

"Why there is lipstick on you ?" Ersia asks Beam .

'Ok ! Only Forth is good at lying . He is not . He is not getting any excuse except girls did it . What to say ?' Beam thinks in his mind .

"In drama female lead is a pregnent woman with rashes on her belly who struggles with this world to protect her baby . Beam was playing that ." Forth replies then he points at Beam's lipstick covered body .

Mary frowns "you guys are performing this in engineering faculty ? Really ?"

"Yes !" Forth yawns again .

"Who is playing your part originally ?" Ersia asks her son .

"Umm ... "

"It's f .... "

"Beam can speak Forth ." Ersia looks at Forth with a cold face as Forth is answering all the questions , not Beam .

Beam looks at Forth "umm ... My part ?"

"Yes yours ?" Ersia raises her one eyebrow . .

"Um.... m ..my p ... pha ."

"PHa ?"

"Fah !" Forth interrupts again .

Beam nods "Fah !"

Mary sighs this time "god ! You guys scared us . "

Ersia frowns but she agrees too . For a moment she thought Forth was doing Beam ...

"Bring your pregnant wife home , if you want to practise . Don't bother Beam , next time ." Mary grins at Forth .

Beam frowns .

"Don't ask him to do that Mary ! These boys can't be trusted . He will make the drama real ." Ersia joins .

Forth yawns again "btw ! why are you two here ?"

Mary frowns . She looks at Ersia "umm !"


Forth changes the lipstick stained bed sheet while murmuring "I can't believe they forgot what the came to us , for !"

Beam cleans his stomach with a tissue silently .

"We needed you two for something ! Something what ?" Forth mumbles .

Beam throws the tissues in wastebin .

"And Pha ? Beam seriously ? Are you really a child or you got into an accident in childhood ?"

"Not everybody is as good as you in lying to others ." Beam states .

"It's not about lying Beam . It's about using common sense ." Forth retorts .

"Common sense ? Drama ? Pregnant woman ? Reharsal ? If these were not lie the what the lie is ..... Mr. Forth Jaturaphoom ?" Beam turns to look straight at Forth .

"These were not lie . I am indded acting for a mystery thriller drama of my faculty . And I have a pregnant wife there . So , I was not lying ... I just twisted the truth ." Forth spats .

"Owh ! I see ! Then why don't you bring your pregnant Fah home and do as you mother say instead of wasting your time on my failed plans ?"

"It's not Fah ! It's Sweetu !" Forth replies casually .

"Owhhhh ! I am sorry ! Should I write a apology to your Sweetu ?"

"Why are you talking like this ? It was not my fault that our moms came in wrong time and your plan failed again !" Forth replies irritated .

Beam puts his pillow on the new bed sheet and climbs on the bed "no ! It was not fault . It was my fault ."

" My fault to trust you . You are a liar . A pro liar ." Beam glares .

Forth frowns "wtf !"

"A fraud , liar , Charecterless husband ! "

Beam shouts while throwing three pillows at Forth ! "Don't you dare to sleep beside me !"

"Huh ?"

Beam grits his teeth before laying and giving Forth his back . "Go and sleep with your Sweetshop !"


(A/n : I am not against of cross dressing . I just needed a mix reaction from the mothers ! )

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