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That was last night. Annika woke up in Dante's modern minimalist apartment feeling very sore. She gripped the grey sheets tight in an effort to momentarily forget about the pain going on below. Sadly, this didn't work. She decided she would get up and try to make breakfast, seeing as she was so graciously allowed to stay the night.

She stood up and stepped into the bathroom off to the right of his room. Looking into the mirror she saw the light blue button up shirt Dante had let her borrow last night to sleep in. Her short purple hair looked like a nest had started to bloom, causing Annika to run her thin hands through it in an attempt to calm the mess. She did her business and remembered that she was looking for the kitchen.

Walking down the long hallway she found herself at the kitchen/living room and walked on towards the fridge. She pulled out some eggs and a pan and got to work. A few omelettes later and Annika was done in the kitchen. She decided she would wait for him at the island countertop.

"I see you found the kitchen. Did you make us omelettes?"

"Heh, yeah I did... I didn't know what you liked so I figured this was a safe bet."

Turning around she found Dante standing behind her in black sweatpants and no shirt. God what she wouldn't give to live on those chiseled abs and beautiful v line. Just take a day to lay all over him. But she guessed he wasn't much of a cuddler.

"So are we going to eat or are you going to continue staring at me love?"

"Oh right sorry... I'm not used to this kind of thing so I'm sorry if I'm acting kind of odd."

It was true, Annika wasn't the type to sleep with a stranger, let alone stay after at their house and make breakfast. But something about this man I'm front of her seemed so familiar, so comfortable. She trusted him for some weird reason.

Dante walked over and grabbed the chair next to her, grabbing the plate Annika had been offering with an extended hand.

They ate I'm silence, stealing glances at each other every so often. The tension in the air could be cut with a machete.

"I'm guessing you don't get out very much?"

"No, not really. I love the club scene and all, but I do have a job and a slightly complicated life."

Annika worked as an editor for a big company that focused on romance novels. She was a sucker for a good romance after all.

"Complicated huh? What's so complicated about your life?"

"Hmm let's see, well first there's my lovely brother that stays in and out of rehab that I have to pay for, and my parents that are currently in the middle of a divorce. Also, my car got towed last week so I've been having to Uber everywhere. Not fun."

"You pay for his rehab? That's a nice thing to do for him. Very honorable in my opinion."

"Well it may be honorable but it's certainly draining my bank account."

"Well you have me now, I can always help you out."

"No no, I wouldn't want to be a bother. You've already done enough."

"I let you wear my shirt after we had sex. I must be the best man you've ever come across if that's at all impressive."

"Well you did show me a good time last night as well, we can't forget about that."

"How could I forget? Your little whines are going to be etched in my memory for a long time."

That made Annikas heart flutter. She didn't expect him to enjoy her sounds. She found her eyes lingering on him for just a bit too long.

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