Two- excited

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If Emery were here, she would be screaming in my ear. If I didn't have self-control, I probably would be too. Oliver Blaire. Best actor ever, in multiple movies that are mildly popular with every generation, and he's young.  19 to be exact, turned 19 at some point in September.

No, I'm not creepy for knowing this information, any fan would.  It's Emery's fault, she had a massive fangirl phase over him in eighth grade, which is slightly weird to me considering that we were 14 and he was only 16.

I shake myself out of thought, I need to focus. 

Oliver walks down the red carpet with such a confident stride, I feel like even if he fell it would look hot.

Shut up, Alyssa, do your job. I scold myself internally.

"There she is, the Jr Journalist." A male voice interrupts me.

I look up quickly to see Oliver in front of me.  My heart skips a beat.  I scramble for something to say, anything at all.  But I'm at a loss.

"You're only a Junior right?  Very impressive of you."  Oliver continues.

I find my voice again, "Y-yes.  I like writing, journaling in particular."

An onslaught on cameras flash in front of me.  Oliver turns to them, covering me from the light with his body.  He looks to charming, light brown hair that curls at the ends, blue eyes like ocean water, they dazzle in the camera flashes.

I scramble some notes down on my notepad, maybe I should mention that he actually spoke to me.

Oliver turns to me again, "where do you go to school?" He asks me.

I shake my head and laugh awkwardly, "I'm supposed to asking you the questions."

Oliver chuckles and my cheeks heat up, "I'm just giving you an interesting story Jr Journalist being talked to by famous movie star."

"Maybe that'll make headlines," I say, jotting down what he said.

"Come inside with me, I'll give you something to write about." Oliver says.

Again, my heart flutters.  What is happening?  Did he seriously invite me inside with him!?

"Why not," I reply, trying my best to sound more confident than I am.

I follow behind him, more cameras flash as we walk inside.

Inside is much less chaotic.  Someone comes to take my jacket and I hand it to them.  Oliver walks to a table where I stand by.

"Take a Seat," Oliver insists.

I shake my hand, "a-are you sure?"

He rolls his eyes playfully, "don't be so nervous.  Really, I'm not that much different from you,"

I take a seat, "oh yeah.  A big time celebrity and some random girl who one a contest, totally similar."

"This is my hometown you know.  I attended Grand Peak Highschool, when I wasn't filming that is." Oliver explains.

I don't hold onto the first part of what he said and jump onto a question opportunity, "How did you keep it all straight?  Normal life and being famous?"

"You don't try to lead a double life," he answers simply; I write it down, "I had to acknowledge that I was both famous, and I attended school like everyone else.  I didn't want my life to change so much that it wouldn't feel like my own anymore."

I nod as if I understand.  How could I understand?  He's perfect and manages his life so well. 

"That's very smart of you," I remark, loosing words go say once again.

Oliver flashes a crooked grin, "what about you?  Are you now super popular with everyone at your school."

"Why do you keep making me out to be a celebrity?" I laugh, "I might be after tonight, but right now I'm happy with my two friends."

"What are their names?"

"Emery and Lucas, they're cousins."

"How convenient."

"Not really."

Oliver cocks his head to the side, "how come?"

I tap my pen on my notepad, "seeing each other all the time makes for interesting family get togethers. Emery says they fight a lot."

"Makes sense," Oliver laughs.

I giggle with him slightly. Shit, am I flirting? No no no, I cannot flirt with a celebrity, much less Oliver Blaire. I click my pen again.

"What brings you back to your hometown?" I ask, keeping a more professional tone this time.

"I wanted to come back. And I heard about the writing competition and the prize. I have to say, it seems kind of elaborate for being a writing contest." He replies.

I shrug, "it was a good motivation to get people participating in English class."

Oliver bursts out laughing. I join in with a small giggle, then a full, humorous, laugh. I'm not funny in the slightest, but Oliver's laughter is contagious.

"So," Oliver says, fighting for his composure, "how did you feel when you were offered a journaling job."

I drop my notepad and flutter my hands in excitement, my voice gets higher, "oh my lord I was so happy!"

I quickly come back to my senses and remember that I'm sitting front of a celebrity. Crap. I got too excited.

"Damn, that's the most thrilled you've sounded since being here," Oliver points out, almost sounding offended.

I wave my hands in front of me, "sorry, I didn't mean to do that. Your question just got me excited, I get all bubbly and stuff when excited."

"I'll keep note of that the next time a see you," Oliver says.

My eyes widen, "are you saying there will be a next time?"

Oliver smiles, "I'm hoping so, what's your name?"

"Alyssa. Alyssa Sage."

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