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It's like time has done nothing but won

Distance has finally both of us done

We are drifting faster and faster apart

Making us to separate our once shared heart

How can you make such false claims?

Yet not wanting to hear another's name.

You moved farther and farther from me

Yet you don't want to lose me

You are never there when I need a shoulder

But get vexed on your claims that I'm colder

My patience has begin to wane off

My feelings for you now rough

You've had your desired and awaited fun

But I'm so done not being your number one

You used to treat me like a princess

I was your angelic empress

Now time has drawn us apart

Distance has shown me your heart

I try desperately to hold on for you

Which results in my being blue

Look at the stars with me above

They could have sworn we were in love

My heartaches at the thought of you more and more

My eyes are tired of holding back tears that just pour

I was elated the day I gave you my first kiss

What I'll do to get back the innocence that I so miss

You said you'll ensure that I'll fall for no one else

Lies, now I'm an emotional mess

Tell me the truth I deserve to know

Cause I'm tired of feeling alone

I want back my stolen heart

If you don't care that we are drifting apart

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