What you say

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Words are the things you say that can either make or break someone's day depending on how you use them. You can either make a person happy or sad with the words you say. You can give or take lives with the words you say. The Bible refers the tongue as a double-edged sword. You might jokingly tell someone that he or she is stupid and the next thing you know, the person commits suicide all because of that word ,'stupid'.

We, as humans can be sometimes selfish. We sometimes say things at the expense of another person's happiness. Sometimes, we can say things with anger and when we do, we end up hurting those that we hold dear to us with hurtful words.

The idiom that says, "Look before you leap" should also be "Think before you talk". This is because if everyone in the world decides to think before talking, the world would be a better place. Everyone would be conscious of the impacts of their words on other people and this can promote peace and unity in the world.

Everyone has different facial and body expressions that can tell us their mood at that moment. We all smile to show happiness, we frown to show sadness or disapproval, we tap our feet to show impatience and so on. We just have to identify these expressions in order to help those around us else we can be labeled insensitive. A friend of yours might need help, maybe facing a broken home. You might know about this problem but you think the person can handle it until your friend starts to make bad decisions or worse commits suicide and it will be your entire fault for not being there.

Bad words always give different reactions from different people. Take for example; you tell a group of people that they are foolish. Some people will feel sad, some won't care, some will pray for bad luck upon you, some will try to harm you and some will call you an idiot for calling them foolish. But when you use kind words, you get the same reaction from everyone. They will be happy.

Some people when they are angry with someone, they go to the extent of calling the other person's parent(s) which is not right. You may have never met this person's parent(s) yet you insult and curse them like they are responsible for your ill luck or they are the one that actually offended you.

Everyone has problems no matter how many times we deny it. Infact, you can find out that the person who smiles the most has more problems than those who don't smile at all. So putting your anger on someone because you feel that you are the only person with problems might make you a villain in someone's happy ending and we all know that the villain always loses at the end.

Once, I read in my devotion book on how a man cried to Jesus that his (the man's) cross was to heavy to carry. So, Jesus took it away and brought him to a room filled with crosses of different sizes. H was told to take the one of his choice and he went for the smallest. Then Jesus told him that that was the same cross that was collected from him.

Suppose you have a grumpy neighbor who puts his volume high when you are about to go to bed and when you try going to him with a peace offering which he accepts, you find out that he is a music producer who lost his precious little daughter or son. Can you imagine?! You might have lost some sleep but here's someone who lost someone dear to him.

Saying good words are nice but greeting and asking someone how their day has been makes the person free with you. Apart from kind words, greeting people can make someone's day and put a big smile on their face. My parents always tease me that I can use greeting to kill someone and my mom will tell me that if I pass someone six times, I would greet that person Six times except if that person is on a phone call of which I am guilty as charged.

Two years ago, I moved into a new neighborhood so I had problem finding my way round and also finding new friends. I am normally shy especially around those older than I am. I decided to take baby steps in making new friends; I started to greet everyone and anyone. It actually worked. Up until now I have not memorized some people's names but I am always when I see their friendly faces.

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