The 2 years before and the start of the cadet corp.

Start from the beginning

After a bit of thinking, Izuku relents, even though he is 13 (with his birthday the day the cadet corps started, with the attack on the wall in 845 happening a month beforehand) and should really connect with people his age and asks "When do I appear there?" "If you wish, you can fly on over tomorrow after saying your goodbyes today. I'll tell shadis that you will be joining and will be making an entrance." Izuku is happy, knowing that he'll definitely be making a first impression on all the cadets there.

~~~~~~The next day~~~~~~

Shadis has everybody lined up with an announcement "Now maggots, someone will be joining you. However! this person is well known due to how they stand out. They have personally killed roughly 80 titans solo, not counting the titans in Shinganshina and have gotten roughly 30 assists. This person will be coaching you on certain things and will most likely be more lenient." At this point, everyone is wondering who it is. Shadis continues "This person I am talking about, has more spine than the rest of you, yet is roughly your age so don't underestimate them."

It was at this moment they all hear a voice up in the air go "Thanks for the introduction Shadis, but I'll take it from here." They all look up and see Izuku floating above them and gasp. "As you all most likely notice, I am 'Humanities Angelic Soldier' but as of now, I am one of you, a cadet going through training, though I am here more so I can connect with people around my age. I will show you all how a proper scout kills titans." He then lands on the stage next to Shadis and does the salute. "As you can see here, he is joining us as of today. You all can ask questions during mealtime. Dismissed."

Just then, Eren and Mikasa with Armin in tow immediately go and ask Izuku "Are you the one who saved my mum?" Izuku looks at them and says "Yes, yes I am. I see you still have my feathers you 2, mind if I have them back?" As soon as he says that he was the one who saved Carla, Eren and Mikasa both hug him thanking him for saving her. He hugged them back, seeing as how they are happy that they are meeting the one who saved her from her fate.

"Thank you for saving my mom, she is the only one I have left as a parent. Mikasa here was adopted into my family after her's was murdered. I want to join the scouts to kill all the titans!" Eren says, with conviction in his voice in saying the last sentence, with Izuku seeing his determination, and so decides to help Eren in his goals by properly nurturing him in using his ODM gear.

"I still haven't gotten your names, but your welcome on saving your mom." Izuku says, already knowing their names but pretended not to know. Eren realizes that as Mikasa just blankly stares at him wondering why is he stupid at times. "I'm Eren." the energetic titan slayer extraordinaire says.

"Mikasa." the blank, scarf wearing Ackerman says. "I'm Armin." the male version of Krista/Christa says. Izuku replies "Well, nice to meet you three, my name is Izuku. As you know, I am the wings of freedom given form more or less." they started walking to the mess hall. "What do you guys want to know about me?" Izuku asks, wanting to see what questions they will ask.

Armin, wanting to know what else he could do, questions "what are you capable off?" "Well, my wings along me to fly, as you can tell. I can also send my feathers to lift people up, though their strength is roughly proportional to what I can lift." Izuku says, starting explaining his abilities.

They then enter the mess hall, where the other cadets look over to see Izuku and rush over and start spitting out questions like Eminem in the song 'Rap God' when he's doing the fast verse. Izuku can't understand them so he yells "BE QUIET!!!" and as soon as he says that, they all quiet down. seeing them be quiet, he carries on "now, ask your questions one at a time. tch, annoying people."

The first question is from Horse Face Jean, with it being "How did you join the scouts? also when did you join them?" Izuku smirks, hearing his questions and answers "How I joined them, well the commander and 2 of his closest associates saw me kill roughly 25 titans when the colossal attacked, in which I also saved Eren's mother. When I joined, roughly a week later, after I was questioned and put on trial to see where I end up. The scouts managed to get me with the premise of producing results and let them determine my fate, which the results were impressive ones."

The next question came from mister bald head himself, Connie Springer. "What abilities are you capable off, since there are speculation about your powers and what you are capable of." Izuku slightly laughs and responds with "I'll tell you some of what I can do, I'll keep the rest for if you ever decide to join  the scouts and see me use them. First off, you guys know I'm capable of flying using my wings. Well, my feathers can also be used for swords."

Izuku then explains him being able to manipulate all the feathers individually.

And so, the questions continued up until they have to head to bed since they have curfew.

~~~~~The next day~~~~~

Everyone is lined up with Shadis being his usual sadist self. however, the reason for this is because Izuku is going to show them how he usually kills the titans during the expeditions with the scouts. Shadis starts with "Today, Cadet Midoriya will kill as many of these 'titans' as he can while we all shall watch him. The amount he kills, is the amount I want you all to aim for when doing this, IS THAT CLEAR?"

""SIR YES SIR"" all the cadets apart from Izuku says. Shadis then turns to him and asks "Are you ready cadet?" Izuku doesn't say anything, instead 2 swords appear in his hands and he starts flying, signaling he's ready. Shadis, seeing he's ready, shouts "START!" as soon as he says that, Izuku flies off with shadis barely keeping up. He sees seven titans pop up and moves to take them down. he takes out the ankles on 2 of the 7 then proceeds to do the napes on all 7 in one solid motion.

Izuku then sees another 5 appear and sends his feathers to take them down. Everyone sees Izuku sends feathers and watches how they make a deep enough hole, which shocked them all. Then Izuku gets close and freezes the napes on the next 10 that appears. However, after that Izuku decides to focus on doing slashes to the napes and does so on the next 25, with the final one being a Levi fidget spinner move modified for Izuku.

Everyone, cadets and instructors alike were shocked at what Izuku had done and how many he killed in style. Shadis more so when he saw him do a modified version of Levi's spin attack. after a little bit, Shadis removes the shocked look and comments "this right here, is what I want you guys to aim to top." which broke everyone out of their stupor and made them pale slightly. Izuku subtly looks at Reiner, Bertholdt and Annie to see their reactions and sees their body language to each other that they are to meet later.

Izuku will follow them later, apart from that it is the end of the first 2 days of the cadet corps.

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