Fables and Fairytales

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"Gabriel!" Rose greets me warmly as she pulls the door open, then looks behind me, which makes me feel quite welcome. "Where is Olivia?"

"She's at work." I step past Rose and into her home, past the various bobbles decorating it. If Olivia was here, she would comment on one of them, explaining the fables or fairy tales surrounding one or the other, or some historical significance of which I had previously been unaware. I wonder if either of them realize that Rose's love for faerie lore and Olivia's love for Victorian Era literature appear to be far from a coincidence. I'm about to teasingly ask Rose about the benefits of possessing these trinkets when one has fae blood, but I am stopped dead in my tracks by the man sitting on my aunt's couch.

"Patrick. How are you?" I try to sound respectful, but I am suspicious.

Bocan. Hobgoblin. Boggart.

Alarms go off in the back of my mind, and I can hear Olivia there, warning me away.

Rose strides up beside me. "Have a seat Gabriel. We were just discussing you."

"Oh?" I pointedly do not take a seat.

"Yes," Rose sighs as she settles onto the edge of her chair, not bothering to sit back all the way. "I'm actually somewhat glad that Olivia didn't come here with you. This conversation will go easier without her."

They are not doing anything to ease my suspicions. "Easier how?"

"You are filled with questions today," Rose says.

I frown. "Yes, I have questions. I am an attorney. I always have questions. Especially when someone behaves in a questionable manner." I sigh and cautiously lower myself into a chair. "I came for tea. But this conversation would go easier without Olivia."

"Where is Olivia, anyway?" Patrick asks. "I would think she wouldn't leave your side for a second after what happened."

This story had already spread far wider than I had suspected.

"I did not take any illicit substances." I insist. "Whatever is being sold to the newspapers--"

"False," Patrick says. "Complete fabrications. Have you asked yourself why?" He stares at me, head tilted, eyes unblinking, completely still. "Why would anyone wish to spread lies about you?"

"I came here for tea, Rose." I grumble.

"Which I will go get for you, while Patrick gives you some answers." She pushes herself to her feet and heads for the kitchen.

Patrick waits until she is gone before he speaks. "She wants what's best for you. You know that. She and Olivia may be the only ones who can clearly state that without an ulterior motive."

I do know that. But I am unimpressed with Patrick's presence in my aunt's house, given what I know. So I do not answer.

Patrick rolls his eyes and sucks his teeth like a child. "My, you're a tough nut to crack today. I suppose it makes sense considering. No matter, I wish to discuss your destiny."

That earns a very serious, very mocking nod from me. "Of course you do."

Patrick grins. "Come on, man. Haven't you wondered? Olivia has a vision about Matilda that involves two men. One, the leader of the Cwn Annwn, the Wild Hunt, the other, a Faerie King. She rejects one and goes to the other only to realize she was wrong. And what if there was a chance to do it all again? What if there was a chance to make the correct decision?"

My patience is dwindling, and suddenly, all I can see in my mind's eye is Olivia collapsing after that experience. The hammering of my heart when I couldn't get her to respond. "What do you know about Olivia? What must she do?"

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