Chapter 2

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"Get your motor runnin'! Head out on the highway!" The sound of singing accompanied by guitars playing loudly could be heard throughout all of Trollstopia, making Poppy smile. She knew exactly who was singing this song...

"Maybe Val will help with the Fabloid," she told herself hopefully, even though deep down she knew the wild rock troll would probably deny the request.

"Looking for adventure... in whatever comes our way!" the song continued, getting louder as Poppy approached Rock Hallow. "Yeah, darlin' gonna make it happen! Take the world in a love embrace! Fire all of your guns at once... and explode into space! I like smoke and lightnin'! Heavy metal thunder... racing with the wind... And the feeling that I'm under..."

Poppy walked into the rock section of their beautiful mixed city, smiling when she saw Val up on stage with Demo and surprisingly... Minuet?

"Yeah, darlin' gonna make it happen! Take the world in a love embrace! Fire all of your guns at once... and explode into space!" the little classical troll sang rather viscously, jamming on her mouth guitar. "Like a true nature's child... we were born... Born to be wild!"

The queen of pop smiled when seeing the two cultures getting along so well. This was exactly what Trollstopia was made for... unity, love... and fun... so much fun!

"We can climb so high! I never wanna die!" Val yelled out, smashing her guitar on the stage floor, only for it to reassemble back into her hands, so she could continue playing it.

"Born to be wild!" Val and Minuet sang together. "Born to be wild!"

     "Yeah! Woohoo!" Poppy cheered loudly, clapping her hands together in celebration

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"Yeah! Woohoo!" Poppy cheered loudly, clapping her hands together in celebration. "You guys rocked!"

"Ha, ha... I rock so hard!" Minuet yelled out, aggressively hurling her mouth guitar into the air, where it exploded into a million colorful lights.

"I taught her so well..." Val whimpered, wiping away a proud tear from her eye.

"Hey, hey, Queen P," Demo greeted, placing his classical guitar safely into his hair, not daring to destroy it like most rock trolls would do. "What brings you to Rock Hollow, ma lady?" He bowed slightly, giving Poppy a quick gentle kiss on her hand.

"I've come to ask if any of you would like to join in on a really cool... awesome... amazing... spectacular! project Branch and I are working on," Poppy explained, throwing her hands up into the air in overhyped excitement.

"I'd love to, Queen P..." Demo started, sounding a bit sad all of a sudden. "But I have six concerts up in Classical Crest today. I can't let my fans down."

"That's ok, Demo," Poppy assured. "What about you two?" She turned to Val and Minuet, smiling hopefully at them. "Do you want to help?"

"Well... you see... I would..." Minuet began, sounding a bit nervous. "But I've got to... not deliver cookies while trolls' backs are turned. Bye!"

And with that, the little classical troll zoomed away, giggling softly to herself.

"That was strange..." Val shrugged, bitting into a cookie that had seemed to magically appeared in her hand. "But I'm so in on whatever you've got planned, Popsqueek. Sounds hard core. What is it?"

"Branch and I are starting a newspaper to show off all the good deeds trolls around Trollstopia do on an everyday basis!" Poppy exclaimed. "It's called... the Fabloid..."

"Oh... sounds... Pathetic..." Val groaned, turning to walk away. "I'm out..."

"But... but Val!" Poppy yelled out, chasing after her BFF. "It's gonna expose the truth! Give trolls the recognition they deserve! Don't you want to be a part of that!?"
"Nope," Val answered bluntly, continuing to walk away from the queen of pop.
"But... but..."

Poppy thought hard about a way to convince her to join the team, smiling as she came up with a sure fire idea.

"Branch needs help with the construction!" she suddenly blurted out, causing Val to pause her retreat. "There are walls that need to come down. And I know how you love smashing things..."

"I'll get to break down walls? Literally!?" Val asked intrigued by the offer, turning around to face the pink pop troll once more.

"You can smash as many walls as you want," Poppy smirked.

"Hmm... I'm in!" Val finally said with a fiendish grin, rubbing her hands together maniacally. "Let's get to breaking..."

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