To Remember

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"Noelle?" I said, in the most lowest tone I've had for a while. "Hm? Who are you talking about?" The girl- which seemed to have been Noelle, said, as she shifted around in the huge leaf she collected earlier. "Who's Noelle?" She said, in a more serious tone. "It's me, Amarillis! Amarillis White? You remember, right?" I asked, forgetting the fact that Noelle probably might've not  remembered yet. "Go to sleep. Stop waking me up for stupid reasons." 

I let out the small 'oh', figuring out that she probably never tried to remember. The breeze was cold, but it wasn't calm.

I lay on the leaf with thoughts that had came back, from the years it left scattered. I closed my eyes shut... Falling into a deep slumber.

I felt a slap on my face. I opened my wrinkly eyes and saw Noelle right next to me. I accused her of the slap. Well, she was the only one there... It couldn't have been any laser kiwi. 

"Wake up d*ckhead! It's morning! We need food! Do you have any? I mean, I could eat y-" She stopped for a second and just tilted her head. She muttered a 'nevermind, just wake up' and got up. I did the same, I took a basket Incase I got any food and got up and went to who-knows-where. I was walking amongst the forest when I heard a stream of water flow by. It's voice lured me to where it was. It was the most glistering lake, with melodies of the water flowing which made me feel somewhat calm. "Oh right, food." I remembered, getting reminded of what Noelle had said earlier. The depth of the lake wasn't much, and there were many fish jumping around in the water. I went to the lake pulling my pants up so they wouldn't get wet. I cupped my hands and felt a slimy, watery fish come into my hand. I was surprised, noticing how fast a fish had jolted into my hands. I took it and kept it in a basket I had brought along with me. The fish had a great struggle at first, since it wanted to survive. "Just like us.." I muttered underneath my breath, empathetic about the fish's state. But I had to, to survive. I caught 2 more fish, which I thought would be enough for the both of us. Just a world, with me and Noelle. Or so I think. I walked along the path of the flowing melodious water, not forgetting the path I had come from.

When I reached to where Noelle and I had made the tiny base we had, I become surprised. The small, tiny, base had just improved. A bit. The leaves were replaced with cotton. Well, I wasn't going to question were she got THAT from. The roof made of leaves was replaced with wood, and mostly everything was replaced with wood. She got some berries as well. I showed her the food I got, also being disappointed with I had done, since she had done a lot of more work than I'd ever dream of.

 Well, for breakfast it'd be the berries, for lunch one of the fishes, and for dinner, the rest of the fish. That was we had settled.

After finishing the breakfast, we decided to have a small chit-chat, since we had nothing better to do, and maybe a bath in the lake nearby since we stink like anything. "So, about yesterday night, who's Noelle? And Amarillis White? Or was it just a bad nightmare?" She asked, with a confused face. I wish she just remembered.

Why can't she just remember?

"Oh, uh, nothing. Nothing in particular." I said, obviously lying. But she hadn't noticed the sorrow on my face while saying that.

"Hey, can you... Remember anything?" I asked her. Her eyebrows pulled close towards each other and she closed her eyes. "No.", Is the reply I got, and her face turned back to normal. "Can't remember." She said, with a voice that sounded similar to, "don't know, don't care." I asked her just to remember. When she couldn't, I explained the comet disaster, the tiny little sleepovers we had when we were young, and everything else. But she just couldn't remember. 

"Memories. Never forget your memories."  Is what my father always used to say.

Well, that just didn't occur at this moment. She forgot. I couldn't really know if she could possibly remember. Or if she ever could. It felt like an unknown symphony that repeated itself, again, and again. In the end,

Humans can never really remember. 

Or, what if everyone else were just hallucinations? Just hallucinations who were there to make you happy, joyful and feel never alone? Or hallucinations to make you feel the opposite? Just to make you feel like your not suffering all alone? Of maybe we were just going to wake up when we really die and find ourselves playing our 'lives' as VR games and our life was just...


Nothing in this world was really the best. Really the worst. Really amazing. Really horrible. What if everything was just... Fake? Fake! Fake. Fake... 

I thought of such things and never worked up about the thoughts I had thought of. What if I was just.. right?

In my continuous thoughts, I felt tugging on my clothes. "Earth to-" I saw Noelle tugging me. "Hey, can you remember your name?" She asked me. I didn't hesitate to answer. "Amarillis White." I sputtered out. "Wait... What?" She looked away confused for a short second, and then looked at me again. "I don't remember my name." And again, without logically thinking, I said, "Noelle Easton. That's your name." She looked even confused about whatever I blurted out, and said, "Naming people now?" I just looked at her annoyed that she couldn't remember. But I wanted her to figure it out rather then just listening to me explain whatever happened to her. 

Those wouldn't be memories.

Well, whatever happened, I guarantee that she'll remember-

"Uh- Who are you?" An unknown voice muttered.

Who are we? Who is he? Or her? I couldn't really figure out. We turned around and saw-

I saw him. 

"Memories which left untold"Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat