"Yes! Yes! That's an excellent idea!" Albert said.

"What do you think, Mr. Naruhodo? I—"

"I can't allow that."

Susato flinched. That voice was unmistakable.

"L-Lord van Zieks!" Ryunosuke stammered. "What are you doing in here?"

"Barok!" Albert said.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that, Albert," Barok said.

"Well, if I'm honest...it—it was terrifying!" Albert confessed. "You were like a great demon behind your bench there, snarling down on your prey!"

"...You're one of the few true friends I have," Barok said. "I couldn't leave it to anybody else to handle the prosecution...or the defense."

Susato's throat tightened.

"Sorry?" Ryunosuke said, stunned.

"I always knew that you had my best interests at heart, don't worry," Albert said. "Ah, how about you show me around while I'm here in town? It's been a long time since we left university. We have a lot to catch up on. And Miss Susato said she'd make us all one of her great lunches! Do you remember them, Barok?"

"....Listen, Albert...in a few days, your acquittal will be made official. When that happens...you must head straight to Dover. I'll accompany you," Barok said. "From there, you'll cross the Channel and make your way back to Germany. I've already purchased the tickets," Barok said.

"But—But no! Hold on a minute, Barok!" Albert said. "What about the Great Exhibition? This is the chance of a lifetime for me! I want to look around."

"No, no sightseeing, Albert. Give up on the idea," Barok said with finality.

"Ugh...S-Sometimes it's hard to see any warmth in those eyes, Barok..." Albert sighed.

"Um, Lord van Zieks...what's this all about?" Ryunosuke said.

"A necessary precaution," Barok said.

"Yes, I...think I understand," Susato said quietly.

"You do?" Ryunosuke said.

"Well, Iris told me that when you met Lord van Zieks at his office some days ago...he asked how Mr. Natsume was doing," Susato said.

"Yes, that's right! I remember being surprised at the time...and thinking it was nice of him to ask," Ryunosuke said.

Susato's heart rate elevated slightly. "The point is...Mr. Natsume is still alive and well! Even though it's been more than six months now since he stood trial with the Reaper as the prosecutor."

"Ah! You—you mean...the Reaper's influence doesn't stretch overseas?" Ryunosuke said.

"Those in the Reaper's sights meet their ends days or sometimes months after their acquittal," Barok said. "That's been the pattern up to now."

"But of course, we know that both Mr. Natsume and Gina were completely innocent," Susato said.

"...True. And perhaps that governs the Reaper's actions. The truly innocent are spared. But I don't want to take any chances with a close personal friend," Barok said.

Susato smiled, her heart suddenly feeling very warm.

"B-B-Barok..." Albert said.

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