Yubel's heart lit up at that description. They glanced up. Johan had an uncertain look on his face. Then he smiled. Taking a step toward Yubel, he held his hand out for a handshake.

"Well if Judai is willing to forgive you, so am I, Yubel."

Yubel's gaze shifted from Johan's hand to his expression. He seemed genuinely happy.

"Great," Yubel muttered, looking away.

Johan took a step back, resting his hand on the back of his neck. Judai stepped toward him. Yubel could feel Judai's discomfort as if it were their own. It was like Judai was only just now realizing what a bad idea it was having Johan and Yubel in the same space.

"Yubel..." Judai spoke up. Yubel waited for him to continue but he was at a loss for words.

"Hey... Judai..." Johan spoke up. Judai and Yubel glanced at him. "There's a town not far from here, I was gonna go look for duelists there. You want to come with me?"

Yubel stiffened with anger. *What did he just ask him?!*

"Sure!" Judai exclaimed, his heart swelling with unbridled joy. "That sounds great!"

"Judai!" Yubel protested, panic slipping into their voice.

Judai glanced at him and Yubel could both see and feel his concern for them.

"Yubel, the whole reason I came out here was to find and study duel monster spirits," Judai explained. "I won't find any spirits if I don't find any duelists and a town could be full of them."

Yubel let out a sigh. They knew Judai was lying, at least in part. They could feel the longing in his heart for Johan, a longing that seemed so similar to the longing he felt for them. A wave of anxiety hit Yubel like a mallet. Judai had vowed to love only Yubel, but that had been in their past lives. In this life... There was also Johan. Would Judai decide to choose Johan instead of Yubel if they let him spend time with the fellow duelist?

Yubel couldn't stop themself from shaking. "Judai... please..." Their voices came out in a sob.

Judai's heart ached. "Johan..." He turned to his friend. "I need to talk to Yubel. I'll meet up with you later if I can."

Johan dipped his head. "I understand." And with that, Johan dashed off.

Judai met Yubel's gaze, taking a step toward them. He held his hands out. "Yubel? What's wrong?"

"Judai... you love him."

Judai staggered back. "Who? Johan?" He stiffened, resting his hand on the back of his neck. "No, no, he's just a friend."

Yubel could hear Judai's heart palpitating and could now feel Judai's anxiety.

Yubel's eyes narrowed. "Judai, I can feel all your emotions. You can't hide this from me."

"No, Yubel..." Judai stepped toward them. He tried to take Yubel's hands but they fazed right through. "I love you. I've always loved you, only you."

Judai's tone was blunt. However, Yubel knew he was mainly trying to convince himself, not them.

"Judai..." Yubel growled. "I can feel your longing for him. It's eating away at you, tugging you toward him. You didn't care about the duel monster spirits when he made that offer. You felt nothing but eagerness to be with him."

"Because he's my friend!" Judai exclaimed defensively. "You can love your friends, and I haven't seen him in a long time..." He cast a longing glance in the direction Johan had gone. Then he let out a sigh. "Yubel..." He met their gaze again. "Please, let me have this. I love you but I need others in my life as well."

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