What Saved Me

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'I just don't like music.' Were the words that came out of me at the mere age of ten years old. This was, in fact, a lie. When I was of ten years of age (and younger), I was terrified that people would judge me based on my music taste. Little did I know that music would be one of the things that saved my life.
It was about a year later, age eleven, when I first contemplated suicide. It wasn't a coincidence that it was the year the show 'Thirteen Reasons Why' was released. It also happened to be the same year I discovered three of my favorite artists, Melanie Martinez, Panic At The Disco, and Twenty One Pilots.
When I got deep in my head about things that I didn't like about myself and the things surrounding me, I would listen to these artists. All of them had songs that I could relate to and songs that made me feel not completely worthless inside. And I still love them to this day. They saved me that year, and they were the start to finding myself, who now loves music more than practically everything.
Two years after this had occurred, I discovered Waterparks. I remember listening to them when I had seriously considered suicide for the second time, when my mom and I were moving in with her (now ex) boyfriend during the time of the global pandemic when I did not have a single friend that was present. Awsten's voice, Geoff's guitar, Ottos drumming, all of it seemed to fill the void in my heart completely when I listened to the very first album of theirs that I heard, Fandom. I researched heavily into this bands history, watched all their very first live shows on YouTube, listened to all of Awsten and Travis' podcast, bought Awstens book, and bought as much merch as I could as a way of saying 'thank you for saving me,' since I have yet to meet them in person. They were my very first concert, and just being in the same room as them had the same effect as falling in love. So, Waterparks, if you ever see this, thank you. Not just for saving me but for just being you. For making awesome music. For being kind to fans. For making me laugh on days that I didn't think I would survive.



Dear World Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora