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The next morning Louis awoke to Harry sitting next to him once again, though this morning he has a large grin on his face and a plate in his hands. 

"Cookies for breakfast! I haven't tried them yet, I was waiting for you," Harry tells him. Louis' heart warms at his words and he smiles at him lightly before thinking to himself - Harry was doing something weird, he's always grumpy in the morning. But with Harry around, right by his side when he wakes up, he's found himself in a much better mood in general. 

"Gimme one of them then. If these suck, I blame you," Louis says, reaching his hand out. Harry smiles at him brightly and grabs a cookie to hand to him. 

"If they're good you can have all the credit," Harry promises. Louis decides the weather has to get better soon because his heart is too warm and he'd barely thought of the things he had planned before meeting Harry, which he especially didn't want to think about now. 

Before his mind could wander, he brings the cookie he was handed to his mouth and bits into it, making sure Harry bits into his at the same time. 

To say it was amazing was an understatement. It was soft, and sweet, and salty, and chocolaty, and peanut buttery, and it was everything a cookie ever should be, and Louis' mouth was almost as much in heaven as it was when he gave Harry a blowjob last night. Okay, too far, it's just a cookie, it wasn't life-changing. But it was the best cookie Louis had ever had. 

However, when he looked up he found Harry frowning. 

"It's not as good as it normally is, I think I messed it up somewhere..." Harry mumbles. 

"What? Mine's perfect, hold on," Louis says, pulling Harry's bitten cookie from his hand. His has to taste different, there's no way this perfect flavor, is messed up. "They taste different," Louis concludes after taking a bite from Harry's cookie, which wasn't nearly as good as his own, and he hands Harry both cookies as evidence. 

"Oh... They do," Harry says after taking a bite, his face lighting up, "thank goodness they're not all shit." Louis smiles at him and giggles before taking his cookie back and eating the rest of it with two bites. 

"We never concluded our Cribbage war, to the living room so I can kick your ass!" Louis shouts, jumping up from the bed, stealing the cookie plate from Harry, and running to the living room where they had left the board. 

Harry rolls his eyes and follows him after throwing the discarded cookie into the trash by Louis' bed. 

They quickly finished the plate of cookies, only one other one being bad and they weren't sure why but they didn't question it, and by the time they were hungry again, Louis was still winning their "war", now at eight to five. 

While Harry got up to try to find food, Louis realized he hadn't checked the weather since their first day together, so he goes to his room, since there are no windows in the living room, and opens his curtain. 

He can tell there's no longer snow coming down, nor the harsh winds from the first day, but there's too much snow on the ground to make out how much there is. Louis then has a brilliant idea. 

"Harry!" He yells, running into the kitchen. Harry instantly looks up at him with an eyebrow raised from in front of the cabinet he had open. "You know how you used the fireplace yesterday with the saucepan?" 

"Yes, I haven't found anything yet that we can cook on there but I'm looking for canned soups or something," Harry replies, looking back into the cabinet, which Louis realizes is where he keeps canned stuff, though he doubts he has anything appetizing down there. 

"Not where I was going, can you make hot cocoa on the fireplace?" He asks hopefully, Harry looks at him again before tilting his head and humming in thought. 

"If I can find the things to make hot cocoa, it's possible," Harry answers. Louis is sure he lights up too much but sue him, he's got strong love for hot cocoa. 

"So theoretically, we can go play in the snow and then come back in and cuddle in front of the fire and drink hot cocoa?" He's got some fantasies, sue him again. 

"Theoretically, only if you have warm enough clothes though, including something that'll fit me unless you wanna play in the snow alone," Harry replies, smiling fondly at Louis which he's sure he does too much but oh well, no one's gotta know.

Louis smiles to himself and runs into the hallway of his flat. He's positive he has something that'll fit Harry. His family comes to London almost every winter to go skiing, snowboarding, and just hang out and he keeps the winter suits in the closet in the hall. 

He grabs his suit along with his stepdad's, silently hoping it's Harry's size, before making his way back to the kitchen and placing them proudly on the table. 

"And I also have hot cocoa mix somewhere in here," he says, opening a cabinet. The cabinet is of course a disaster, but there's cocoa mix somewhere he's sure. 

"That's alright, I can make it from scratch. We're eating before we go out, yeah?" Harry questions. 

"Yea. You can make hot cocoa from scratch? Honestly, what can you not do?" Louis questions, not closing the cabinet since Harry had come to look over his shoulder at the food. 

"Well, I'm still trying to figure out noodles from scratch, luckily you've already got some we can cook up," Harry answers, reaching for a box of noodles Louis didn't know he had. "And I know how to make hot cocoa because I used to work at a bakery and during winter we made our own hot cocoa, it was basically famous in Holmes Chapel, people would come from all around the UK to try our hot cocoa." 

"Yeah, I doubt that. You're from Holmes Chapel though?" Louis questions. He's been there and he hadn't seen Harry there, though his visit was brief and perhaps they hadn't crossed paths. 

"Yeah, I only moved to London a few months ago with some friends of mine after I finished school," Harry explains, Louis nods and discovers just how much he wants to learn about Harry. 

"Oh, how old are you? Probably should've asked that before sleeping with you," Louis says jokingly, bringing a laugh out of Harry. 

"It's alright, I'm eighteen, you?" Harry asks back. 

"I'm twenty. No, I'm not! I'm twenty-one now, I forgot," Louis replies, silently cursing himself for forgetting his own age. Harry laughs more. 

"Your birthday was recent?" He asks with a chuckle. 

"Yeah, the 24th, I was out celebrating when we met," he wouldn't exactly call it celebrating but Harry didn't need to know that. Besides, he's not sure what he would call it. 

"Oh really? I didn't know, happy birthday," Harry tells him. Louis curses himself for being a crybaby as he gets slightly emotional because finally, someone said it to his face. 

"Yeah, thanks. I know we're past the 'where we're from' conversation, but I'm from Doncaster," Louis tells him, Harry nods. 

"I was there once, for a football game," Harry replies. 

"Really? I was probably on the field." 

"No way? Which one?"

"Tomlinson, number 28." 

"Really?! After the game all the lads were talking about how much they hated you 'cause you were too good, they were all like 'screw 28' and now I have." Harry winks at him. 

"That was a horrible joke," Louis says despite his laughing. 

They end up talking more about football as Harry makes some kind of pasta on the fireplace, which somehow turned out really good. 

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