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 Her boots hit the cement with no real purpose. Having memorized the path to get from school to the Avengers Tower Mila had no issue keeping her head down while walking. Her first week at school went by quickly, she liked her classes and the teachers were okay. No progress on making any friends. The two boys who sat next to her at lunch hadn't spoken to her since then. Mila saw them a few times a day, having a class with each of them. Natasha told her that it was okay she didn't have any friends yet, it would take time before she felt comfortable enough around people like that. 

 The earbuds playing music in her ears relaxed her. Steve gave her a pair a few weeks before school started and she rarely could be found without them in. Music was a fascinating to her and she couldn't get enough of it. Only down side to her addiction was the fact that she became so absorbed in what she was listening to, she barely payed attention to her surroundings, which was strange for her. 

 "Hey girly, come here a minute," a voice spoke from the shadows of an alley. Mila didn't hear it. "Hey I'm talking to you." Still not being able to hear the man she continued walking only to be pulled back by her hair. Her hands swung out from her pockets, gripping onto the mans wrists. Her leg hooked around the mans knee, pulling him to the ground. Mila straddled the man, her hands closed around his throat, applying just enough pressure to make him struggle. He knees pinned his arms down.

 "Woah," another voice pulled her attention away from the man, she looked up. "I was going to help you but it looks like you got that covered," Peter let out a nervous chuckle. Mila stepped of the man cautiously only to watch him sprint away from her as soon as she lifted her wrist. 

 "Oh, well, yeah it's okay now. I'm okay now," Mila didn't know what had made her so embarrassed. She had taken down people like that before, even with an audience, but that didn't stop that blush spreading across her freckled face. Peter shifted his weight from heel to toe awkwardly. The two stood in the middle of the street, nothing but the occasional car horn making any sound. 

 "Did you want to walk back together? Walk back to wherever it was that you were going I mean," Peter asked. Mila was about to reply when she remembered where she would be walking back to. The Avengers Tower. 

 "No". Her abrupt response made her cringe. "But we could still walk somewhere. Maybe food?" Peter grinned slightly before nodding his head.

 "There's this sandwich shop a few blocks from here we could go". Mila nodded and smiled before walking towards Peter. The pair took off side by side down the streets of New York. 

 It took a lot of effort to wipe the grin off Mila's face when entering the Avengers Tower. The elevator ride up to the top floors gave her some extra time but nothing seemed to be working. Her half eaten sandwich from Delmar's still in her hand. Mila's smile was drawn from her face the minute the elevator doors opened.  A panicked Pepper Pots ran towards her, hands immediately gripping her face inspecting her. Tony hung up the phone and stared at the young girl. Natasha and Sam both made their way towards her, relief washed upon their faces. Steve stayed in his spot leaning against the counter, hand on face, sighing. 

 "Where the hell were you Mila? We were all so worried," Pepper stood back from Mila, placing her hands on her hips as she spoke. 

 "What do you mean?" her voice was quiet, confusion laced within her words. Mila didn't understand what all the fuss was about.

 "What do you mean what do we mean? Mila school ended at 3:30pm. Its now 8pm and we haven't heard from you. We didn't know where you were or who you were with. Hydra members could still be out looking for you. It didn't cross your mind to maybe tell us where you were. Or at least bring us a sandwich while you were at it." Tony rubbed his face with anger. 

 Mila felt the tears well in her eyes but she expertly hid them from the others, not wanting them to see her cry for being yelled at. Natasha stepped forward placing her hand on the young girls shoulder. "Tony I don't think you need to yell at her, she's here and in one piece that should be the most important thing," she turned her body to face Mila, her green eyes meeting Mila's matching ones. "Now you know Mila that if you're going to stay out after school or go out to places you need to tell someone. And maybe keep the ringer on your phone turned on, that's why its there kid". Natasha skillfully pulled the phone out from Mila's pocket without her knowing, holding it up to her face, the screen displaying the 20 missed calls and multiple text messages from the adults. Natasha's well manicured fingers turned the ringer on, the phone vibrating in her hand/

Everyone agreed with Natasha as Mila sheepishly smiled. Mumbling a quick 'I'm sorry', she asked if she could go to bed now seeing as she tired from her day out. As she trekked from the living room to her bedroom, Mila let the few tears she kept hidden trail down her face. Guilt washing over for making them worry. She had almost forgotten about the night she had with Peter. The two of them laughing and telling horrible jokes to each other as they ate their sandwiches. Her phone went off, being able to hear it this time, she picked it up.

Peter Parker

Hey! I hope you enjoyed the sandwich :)

sent 8:24pm

This is Natalie's number right? It would be really awkward if it wasn't.

sent 8:25pm


Yep this is Natalie. And I did enjoy my sandwich, thank you

sent 8:26pm

Peter Parker

hey i was wondering if maybe tomorrow at school you would want to sit with me and Ned 

sent 8:26pm

only if you want to, if you're not sitting with your friends and what not

sent 8:26pm


sure i'd like that

sent 8:27pm

Peter Parker

cool :) i'll see you tomorrow then

sent 8:27pm

read 8:27pm

Peter Parker changed the name to natalie;)

Mila(Natalie) changed the name to peter p:)

 Mila had wiped the tears from her eyes as she crawled under the covers of her bed. Her phone placed close on her nightstand. As her hand moved to turn the lamp off a knock on the door stopped her. Mila didn't respond to the noise, hoping whoever it was would think she was already asleep. "Goodnight kid, sweet dreams," Sam whispered from behind the wooden door. Mila smiled a small smile. Flicking the lamp off, she tucked herself comfortably into bed, the smile never leaving her face as she slept.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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