Chapter 10 - Club

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Wanda: Good morning love. Sleep better?

Y/N: Morning and a little

Wanda: So, do you want to talk about your nightmare?

Y/N: Not really but I should

Wanda: Take your time, I'm here for you

Y/N: Thanks *Kisses Wanda* Well, this nightmare was about me getting captured again and being tortured for information on you and Nat. Then when I refused, they would hit, cut, and rape me over and over. When they took me, they told me that they killed you and Nat was badly injured to where she was barely holding on. When I thought that I lost you, that's when I woke up sweaty and crying. I'm sorry bubs

Wanda: Nothing and no one will take you again. I will always protect you and so will Nat. You have nothing to be sorry for. It's just a nightmare. You're safe with me and I promise you that.

Y/N: Thanks bubs *You pull her in and kiss her* How about we go downstairs and get food even though I am not hungry for anything.

Wanda: Ok, but you sure you ok bubs?

Y/N: Yah, I'm sure

The two of you both get dressed and head downstairs to the kitchen.

Thea: Morning you two

Wanda & Y/N: Morning

Y/N: Where's Oliver?

Thea: He's at work. He is now the mayor of the city so he's at work this morning.

Y/N: When did he become mayor? Why didn't he say anything?

Thea: He became mayor about 3 months ago. He's still trying to do the whole mayor and Green Arrow thing.

Y/N: Ok. On another note, what are you up to today? If you don't have any plans, would you like to do a girls day with us and show Wanda around the city?

Thea: That sounds lovely, but I am training then hanging out with my boyfriend for the day. Maybe the four of us can do dinner at the nice place we both like?

Y/N: Sounds good. Have fun with training. We will see you later than.

Thea: Ok. Wear something nice but not too fancy.

Wanda: Ok. But where would dinner be and time?

Thea: Dinner would be about 7 pm and place would be...

Y/N: It's a surprise but you will love it. I promise

Wanda: Ok

Y/N: Also, no reading my mind. I'm not telling you

Wanda: I won't. I trust you bubs

Y/N: I guess we will see you two later than. Love yah Thea

Thea: Sounds good. Love yah too Y/N.

Y/N: Ok let's eat these pancakes then I will take you into town and we can go explore and spend the day together.

Wanda: Thought you weren't hungry? What changed?

Y/N: Being with you but also if you and me are going to explore the city for the day, I should eat something even though I would rather eat something else or someone else. *Kisses Wanda*

Wanda: Wait?! What? Did you just say what I think you said?

Y/N: IF you heard me saying I want to eat you over pancakes then you heard me right. You taste better than pancakes bubs.

Wanda: *Looks at you and grabs your face & kisses you* So do you want to eat me out or go show me the city?

Y/N: Well both but city first, then dinner with Roy & Thea then come back and have as my dessert. How does that sound?

Wanda: Sounds like an amazing day to me

Just as you two are walking out of kitchen, you see a note from Oliver. The note says, "Hey, Sorry that I had leave before you got up. I know Thea is training and hanging out with Roy today. So here are the keys to the car that I know you love. Hope you and Wanda have a great day for whatever you two do. See you later tonight. Love, Oli <3

Wanda: What car is he talking about? We have a car to drive around in

Y/N: I know we do but Oli never lets me drive this one, but I always talked about wanting to one day. Guess he's letting me now

Wanda: Which one is it?

Y/N: You will see but not sure you would ever let me get one though

Wanda: I wonder why but ok

Y/N takes Wanda's hand and leads her down to the garage and shows her the car that Oli letting you borrow for the day

Wanda: Yah your right. I would never let you own one, but to drive for the day, I don't see why not

Y/N: Sounds fair. You know I love you right and I care deeply about you?

Wanda: Yes, I do. *Kisses Y/N* Ok, let's go explore the city

Y/N: *Pulls Wanda back in for another kiss* You mean the world to me bubs. Let's go have a fun filled day.

Wanda: I love you too and I'm glad that you're my world and I have you. Let's go but please don't kill us.

Y/N: I won't. I promise you *Starts car and drives into the city*

Y/N RomanoffOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz