Kara: Yes, there are and there is other Earth's as well

Wanda: Ok... now that is amazing.

Y/N: Wanda, breathe. I will take you to Kara's Earth when we have a date set because I will be inviting them and possibly Oliver and his team.

Wanda: Ok cool

Y/N: So, Kara, does Lena know you like her and that your Super Girl?

Kara: Yes, she knows that I like her but I'm too scared to tell her I'm Super Girl.

Y/N: Why?

Kara: Well Lena has been there for me, but I don't want to scare her off because of it.

Y/N: You will not know until you try. I was scared at first when I found out about my powers that I kept them a secret from everyone until the day after the night that I was rapped at a party, but I finally told Wanda. I was scared that she would be mad and not love me anymore, but she hasn't left my side and has been helping me control them since they are like hers.

Kara: I am sorry that that happened to you. You are right. If she loves me then why not tell her.

Y/N: Exactly and it is ok. Wanda and Nat have been there every step of the way for me.

Wanda: I would not change that anytime soon *Kisses your hand*

Alex: *Yells over to you three* Are you guys coming in soon?

Kara: Looks like you two are having fun. Why would we ruin it?!

Y/N: Be there soon.

Wanda: Wait? Babe, you have superspeed? Did you know?

Y/N: Nope didn't know but I don't know how to even see if I do.

Kara: Only one way to see. Try running to Nat.

Y/N: Ok *Gets up and runs to Nat. Accidently runs into Nat and falls into the water*

Nat: Why did you hit me?

Y/N: Did not mean to. Just found out that I have superspeed and wanted to see if I can run fast.

Nat: Wait, superspeed? But how?

Y/N: The night I got sucked into Alex & Kara's world is the same night that Berry got his superspeed and became the Flash.

Nat: Ok but we will work on that later. Let's enjoy the day out.

Y/N: Ok

Kara and Wanda get up and joins everyone in the water. Everyone is now swimming and having a great time. Y/N gets out and goes and sits on the blanket wrapped up. Alex notices and goes over to Y/N and hugs her. They chat for a bit then Kara, Wanda, and Nat come out of the water and sits while drying off.

Wanda: Bubs you, ok?

Y/N: *Stays silent looking at her hands*

Wanda goes over and hugs you while kissing your forehead.

Wanda: Bubs your head is burning up. What is going on?

Y/N: Not sure but I do not want to worry about that. I don't want to ruin our girl's day out.

Wanda: You sure?

Y/N: Yes bubs

Wanda: Ok bubs

Alex: So, what does everyone want to do now?

Kara: Get food

Y/N: Kara, when aren't you hungry?

Kara: Not going to answer that one, thank you.

Y/N RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now