Chapter 55: The Escape

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George slammed the grilles shut behind you as the six of you squeezed into the small space, and he exhaled in relief as he looked at your face. He reached over and squeezed your shoulder, but conversations were cut short as a dozen Dementors descended on the lift.

You and the twins were in front so you raised your wants and quickly cast the Patronus Charm. The twins' magpies and your white dove surged furiously towards the Dementors and drove them back as the lift moved downwards.

As soon as the grilles opened, the six of you dashed out and sprinted across the Atrium. Before long Harry was recognised, and the Ministry guards were chasing you in much larger numbers than the few guards on the other floor had been. You ducked spells that were sent your way and then the Death Eater you'd seen standing with Umbridge and Thicknesse when you'd tried to go back to work, who you'd later identified from the Daily Prophet as Yaxley, began to pursue you as well.

He sent a number of curses after your group while you all pushed roughly through the crowds in the Atrium, and you darted into one of the fireplaces, pushing more people out of the way as you did so.

Hermione shouted, "hold on!" and you all grabbed onto her as she Disapparated you out of there. But just as she did, Yaxley jumped in after you all, and you saw a brief flash of Grimmauld Place before you were whisked away to somewhere else, and you landed hard on your back on the ground when you reached Hermione's destination.

You gasped at the hard impact, and found yourself looking up at trees. Turning your head to look around, you realised that you were in a forest, the pine needles having fortunately softened your landing slightly.

You rolled over onto your front with a groan and saw the other five on the ground nearby and then you saw Fred stumbling to a stand and running over to you. He fell to his knees beside you and with his help you pushed yourself up and he threw his arms around you immediately. You heard his panicked breaths as you held each other tightly.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there," he whispered shamefully.

You instantly pulled back and cupped his face, seeing his wet eyes and pale cheeks, and you stared at him in alarm, "don't you dare blame yourself, Fred." You pressed a tender but chaste kiss to his lips and then saw George walking over to you.

"I'm glad you're alright, Y/N. You gave us quite a scare," he said quietly and you stood up and hugged him tightly and he squeezed you back.

"Thank you for coming after me, but what were you thinking!? You both could have been killed breaking into the Ministry like that," you exclaimed sternly, glaring at them both.

Fred stood up too and rubbed his sleeve across his face, his familiar smirk ghosting his features once again, "we couldn't let you have all the fun, love." Before you could retort, you heard a moan of pain from nearby followed by a gasp of 'oh my god.'

You looked past the twins to where the others had landed a fair distance away, and you saw Hermione pulling off Ron's clothes as he convulsed on the ground. The three of you exhaled sharply in shock, and you ran over and kneeled on Ron's other side while Hermione tried to comfort him while he thrashed about on the ground.

You nearly threw up when you saw his arm. His shoulder and upper arm were completely shredded and chunks of his skin were completely gone. You heard gasps of horror from the twins as they also took in the injury from where they stood near Ron's feet, and you moved around to hold Ron's head on your lap while he sobbed in agony.

"Hermione, what do we do!?" you asked her and she blinked tears from her eyes as she tore off the rest of his sleeve. "Someone, quickly! In my bag there's a bottle labeled 'Essence of Dittany'!" she instructed desperately as she tried to hold back sobs.

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz