her story

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         The freak show is the best place to be. Considering I'm one of the freaks. When I was about six or seven years old I thought freak shows were cruel things, indeed very horrid. As I got older and started looking into them I got more and more intrigued. I'm sixteen now and I LOVE working at the Amazing Freak Show. Of course, it wasn't the simplest way to start working so young.

        I was just about fourteen years old when I decided to go work there. My parents though, being as strict as they are, would never in a million years let me "run off with the circus" as they put it. So that's why, on the night of my fourteenth birthday, I ran away. I packed up the few things I thought were most important and left without a sound.

          Two whole weeks after I left, I finally found what I was I was looking for. My new home. When I got closer towards their camp, I noticed the bearded lady. When I got close enough I asked her where I could find their ring leader. She just looked at me weirdly and told me they didn't have one but to go see Olga the Swamp Gal.

          I found her swimming with alligators. "Uhm,is there something important you need miss?" she asked after she noticed me. I was WAY too scared to talk and I shyed away a bit. That is when she came out of that tank soaking wet.

           "Uh...uhm...I...I want to join the freak show" I managed to finally sputter out."Oh dear heart" she smiled (and had some kind of accent) "of course you can join but..." "but what?! I'll do anything!" I pleaded while gaining some confidence. "What's your talent and are you a leader?" I gave a thankful sigh. "I'm flexible and twisty,my friends call me Miss Twist  and I was born a leader."

The Amazing Freak Show!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora