017 - will you be mine?

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"morning handsome." you threw back.

he tightened his grip on you before letting go and beginning to help you with the task at hand.

now would be a good time to tell him.

"so," you cleared your throat, "you know that awards show coming up in a few days.

he chuckled slightly "well i should hope so, i'm invited to it after all."

"ah yes, well i have to leave a bit earlier than you would have to since i'm a back up dancer."

"so when's your flight then?"


all was silent for a moment. you would be well on your way to new york tomorrow meaning that he wouldn't be able to ask you out as his date. if he had to do it, it had to be now. which he hadn't prepared for at all.

it's now or never. he thought.

"well in that...erm..case, i have something i would like to ask you..."

a million scenarios were running through his head of the outcome. would you say yes? would you say no?

you looked up from your flipping to glance at ushijima, taking notice of his blushing state.

how would he recover if you said no?

"well what's that then." you played on, already having a grasp of what he was asking, deciding to see how far he could actually get.

would he just carry on like it was nothing if you said no?

"well...um i know i already technically asked you but- well...w-would you, like to-"

"yes?" you pressed on.

"...go to the...um."

ushijima. get yourself together.

he stopped altogether and took a deep breath, calming his nerves to compose himself.

"i happen to have a plus one to this event and i would love for you to be it. y/n," he approached you, bowing before you traditionally, in his boxers. "would you please accompany me to the awards show?" he never left his bow, demonstrating to you the severity of his words.

you had a little giggle at his form, making him sweat drop nervously.

"wakatoshi," he stood back up straight to look at you. "stop being silly, of course i'll go with you."

he looked at you in shock. "wait really? i thought you would have for sure said no, giving our situation with the press-"


"and then all your admirers and the constant competition to get to you-"

"wakatoshi." you said, a bit louder this time.

"you're just so beautiful and so good willed, i like so many things about-"

you cut him off with a kiss, immediately shutting him up. he kissed back instantly, wrapping his arms around your waist again, your hands at his neck. after a minute you pulled away out of breath and exasperated.

"can't you see i'm trying to tell you i like you! fucking hell man. i don't care what the media says, i want you! i want the whole world to know you're mine. so let's show them what the hell we're about!"

ushijima was suprised at your outburst. here you were, openly confessing back to him, something he wanted for so damn long, and here it was! he couldn't be happier. he immediately wrapped you in an engulfing hug, melting into you.

"so if i asked you to be my girlfriend, what would your response be?" he said, slightly muffled since he was still hugging you.

"yes you big oaf."

"that's my girl."

he then bent down to capture your lips in a kiss, snaking his tongue in straight away, to which you did the same, allowing your tongues to dance around each other. it started getting heated, the further the kiss deepened, and left you wanting a whole lot more.

the only thing that pulled you two away was the intoxicating smell of smoke, indicating that the pancakes had burned.

"oh shit, the food!"

you darted over to the stove, where a black charcoal pancake lay.

tossing the burnt pancake in the bin you looked back at ushijima who was looking at you in a way.

"what's that look for?" you questioned.

"well, i decided i don't want pancakes for breakfast anymore..." he said while strolling towards you. his eyes were filled with lust and passion, and you noticed the air in the room suddenly change.

"um, w-what do you want for breakfast then?" suddenly growing shy.

"my girlfriend."



Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

ok, i know i rushed y/n confessing a bit, but let's be real, i'm not writing all that filler just so she can tell him in a few weeks 💀

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

ok, i know i rushed y/n confessing a bit, but let's be real, i'm not writing all that filler just so she can tell him in a few weeks 💀

SCANDALOUS | W.  (DISCONTINUED)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin