009 - no hope

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by nicxl333

scandalous by nicxl333

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ushijima's POV (third person)

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ushijima's POV (third person)

⥤ 2 days ago ⥢

ushijima was at a restaurant with his old friends,

using it as an opportunity to wind down from the last few days with you. truth be told even though he had just met you, he missed you nonetheless.

"so, ushiwaka, let's talk about that pretty dancer girl you've been seen around with lately. how'd you meet? tendou pressed.

the whole table broke into a series of agreements, wanting to know just exactly how ushijima managed to 'bag' someone as beautiful as you.

"well, we met at that big game i had the other week and we had sex."

everyone paused, not expecting him to be so blunt about it. he said it nonchalantly, as if it were an everyday task.

"...well that's one way to put it." semi stated.

"you all probably know what went down so why beat around the bush about it?"

the whole previous volleyball team sat back contemplating this. ushijima wasn't one to have distractions when it came to his career, so why start now? either you had to be really special to him or something had happened for this change to occur.

"so what are you guys exactly? our guy ushiwaka isn't one to settle down so quick." tendou joked, slinging an arm around his shoulder.

"we don't have a title for what it is. we've hooked up 2 times but nothing has been set in stone."

"well can you see yourself dating her? it is still early days." reon queried.

SCANDALOUS | W.  (DISCONTINUED)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu