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With y/n


So y/n was chilling on the couch watching tik Tok on her phone and her dad told her to go wash the dishes.

Y/n washed the dishes literally everyday Monday, Tuesday, Wendsday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.(sorry to if I put them in the wrong order).

So she said "I wash them everyday can I not wash them today".

Her dad told her: "do you spend all day on the phone because I work all day".

Y/n said "no, I was not here almost all day". And he said "when did you stated going on it today".

"Since I got here" y/n said calmly.

"So it's been at least two hours" her dad said in some sort of mean tone.

Before all of this happened y/n wanted a hot chocolate.

Her mom then offered to make her one if she washed the dishes but it was 7 o clock and y/n had an excuse.

"I'm probably gonna finish it to late so yeah and you said it was to late so I can't really drink it and I don't wanna wash the dishes".

Later she finally washed the dishes but did not get the hot chocolate bc it was 7 37pm.

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