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Eliza's P.O.V

2 Years Earlier..

"Eliza! ELIZA!" I sigh. There's only one person who would scream my name outloud. Yup. There he is. Crazily knocking the heck out of the window to get my attention and the rest of the class. Including Mr. Blackwood. Jayden started waving like a maniac with a goofy grin on his face and a glint of Trouble in his eyes. Ooh how i want to stab those glinting eyeballs of his. I ignored him and went back to writing my 2000 word essay.

"Eliza! Oh come on, Eliza!-" I glared at him while the rest of the class just laughed at his stupid ass. But because its Jayden, he doesn't give two poo poos about the others in class. And Mr. Blackwood is ready to kill him.

"Mr. Charleston, when you're finish, come straight into my class and get your detention slip-" The whole class 'Ooh'd' when Mr. Blackwood said it calmly. Jayden made a hissing sound before focusing his brown orbs on me.

"So, Eliza come to the dance with me?" He asked -Well, more like an order. Mmm? 'What dance? And why ask me when he already have a boyfriend to go with?' I thought. Yes Jayden is a guy. And yes he is gay. And yes he is one of my bestfriend. Which makes me wonder! Where is Oliver? Because Jay never annoys me in class without Oliver. I eyed him suspiciously. He pouted. "C'mon Eliza, don't give me that look! I just needed a partner for the dance!-" I narrowed my eyes. If there was a dance, it would have been posted on the notice board. I wonder what he's up to. He stick out his bottom lip and widen his eyes trying to give me that puppy look when in reality, he looks nothing more than an old wrinkly alien! Not that he's old or anything. Wait, he's 18, is that considered old? Eh!

I rolled my eyes and went along with his game or whatever it is and said 'yes' , he smile so big and pump his fists in the air. Those who were watching our interaction laughed out loud and turn their attention back to Mr. Blackwood. It's no surprise Mr. Blackwood carried on with the lecture because this isn't the first time Jayden interrupted this class. Actually this is the first time; by himself! Usually its him and Oliver! 'Speak of him, and he shall appear.'

A minute later. . .

The door opens with a bang and voila! Oliver made his appearance. "SORRY DUDES! ELIZA! Meet me at the parking lot when the bell rings-" he was cut off when the bell actually rang. "-nevermind, we'll go together. Oh! And Jayden's detention slip?" He says to Mr. Blackwood who look furious at this moment.

"I have had enough of you and Mr. Charleston interrupting my class Mr. Smith! 2 months detention for Mr. Charleston...aaand for you as well." Mr. Blackwood burst angrily while slapping 2 detention slip in front of Oliver on his mahogany desk.

Everyone stayed silent, probably because they're too shock to move. I can honestly say that during my 3 years in high school, i have never seen Mr. Blackwood explode like that. Someone coughed hesitantly, finally cutting the thick tension in the air, and without wasting time, everybody rushed out of class. I stood behind the desk looking at all the empty seats that were occupied moments ago. I glance up at Oliver and Mr. Blackwood glaring at each other. Great! Just great! One thing i know about Oliver is that, he never backs down from situations like this , whether his opponent is an Elder, a Teacher,  a Beta, an Alpha or anything for that matter. He won't submit! Suddenly. . .

"Ha! Haha! Ahh-hahaha! You know Mr. Black, i have been waiting for this day to come. I'm surprised that it took you 5 years to give me a detention," He laugh, amused. This just made Mr. Blackwood even angrier.

"I WILL NOT ALLOW THAT KIND OF DESPICABLE BEHAVIOUR AND ATTITUDE IN MY CLASSROOM. I will make sure your parents hear about this. NOW, GET.OUT!" He screamed/growled.

I was so scared, i picked up my bag and ran up to Oliver, held his left hand in a strong grip, screamed out an apology and proceeded to drag him out the door before he does something that will land him into more trouble.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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