༉‧₊˚. 𝟶𝟻

Start from the beginning

   The pair arrived at what she assumed to be the dining room given that there was a round table positioned at its epicenter, bland ceramics and perfectly positioned silverware atop it. She clicked her tongue, her eyes looking critically at the dimly lit room around her. "Your brother could have done a lot better with his choice in décor. I don't see why this beautifully grand house has to mirror his ever-increasing age."

   "Are you calling me old? I can assure you, I can perform just as well as I did when I was your age. Better even." Niklaus strolled into the dining with an amused grin sprawled across his face as he eyed the surprise guest before turning to his brother, "Elijah. Who is our lovely guest?" Elijah took notice of the subtle glare the woman sent him before continuing, "An acquaintance of our sister's. She'll be joining us for supper this evening."

   She nodded politely before putting on a sugar sweet smile on her face, "Alexia Steele. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." Her tone dripped with sarcasm which only resulted with Klaus letting out a laugh of amusement, "Stay however long you'd like, sweetheart." He turned to his brother, smirking manically. "It's been beginning to get a little dull around here."

   It wasn't long before the Salvatore siblings came knocking at their door. Alexia excused herself to take a phone call as Klaus stood from his seat to join Elijah in greeting their guests. Once the Salvatore's had their little moment in the foyer, the originals lead their guests to the room in which they would dine. It wasn't for a while, until they were seated that Damon took notice of the empty seat at the table, "Another guest?" He pointed at them as though counting each of them mockingly, "One...two..."

   The blonde rolled into the room from behind, swiftly slipping into her seat in between Klaus and Damon, "That would be my place, Salvatore." Damon narrowed his gaze onto her, "I'm sorry. Who are you?" "Someone who happens to be a lot older than you and could very well sever that tongue of yours from those pretty little lips." She spoke ever so sweetly as the clanging sound of her knife into the ceramics hung in the air as she cut into her meat.

   "Well that was interesting." He shrugged off the matter entirely. And so the conversation drifted off onto subjects she was less than interested to listen, that was up until Elena Gilbert's name found its way into conversation. But what piqued her interest more so than the Petrova doppelgänger, were the ever so painful expressions painted across the faces of the Salvatore brothers. Her lips pulled into a smirk as she watched the matter unfold.

   "Hey, you know what? Probably best to keep Elena in the do-not-discuss pile." Damon suggested at an attempt at mediating the tension. "You're probably right," Klaus agreed sounding anything  but apologetic. "Yeah..." Damon murmured. "It's just the allure of the Petrova doppelgänger is still so strong. What do you say brother? Shall we tell them about Tatia?" Nikalus looked to Elijah with a smile, as though asking for permission but no matter what his answer was he was going to tell them anyways.

   Elijah shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "Now why should we discuss matters long since resolved." He was less than pleased at the pleasure Klaus was deriving from the topic, despite knowing very well how much he despised talking about her. "Given their shared affection for both Elena and Katerina. I think our guests might be curious to learn about the originator of the Petrova line." Klaus attempted to justify, though Elijah was less than convinced of his sentiments.

   "We're not going anywhere Elijah. Please, do tell." Damon sipped into his wine as Elijah begun to tell the tail of both his and Niklaus' tragic love affair with Tatia, Niklaus chiming in now and then with his own inputs. They spoke of how their shared affections for Tatia had made them grow estranged and how their mother had used Tatia's blood to transform them into vampires.

   Soon after the brothers had recounted the events of their past, Niklaus and Stefan had found themselves in a physical altercation with one another, with Alexia mumbling how much the home reeked of testosterone under her breath. Meanwhile, Klaus had sent both Elijah and Damon off to retrieve the caskets in which the members of the Mikaelson family were left to rot in.

   It took the hybrid surprise when he returned alongside a human, silver plate in hand, its contents hidden by a tunic. Klaus furrowed his brows, sensing something was off. "Elijah...Why haven't you left?"

   "Well, where are you manners brother? We forgot dessert." Elijah's voice was laced with an almost sadistic pleasure as he pulled the tunic away from the plate, revealing the bloody silver daggers which were meant to be in their siblings hearts. Niklaus' lips parted, his eyes wide with fear, "What have you done?" 

   "What have you done?" The older brother challenged, his voice filled with authority. "See, I've learned not to trust your vulgar promises, Klaus. We're doing this on my terms now."

   On cue, the youngest of the brothers sped into the room with a sadistic thirst for vengeance evident on his face. "Kol..." Klaus took a step back, knowing how recklessly sadistic the youngest of them. Before he could get in another word, the oldest of the lot sped into the room, snatching a dagger from the plate before speeding over back to the Hybrid and forcing it into his hands.

   Sat on the hybrid's archaic selection of lounge chairs, Alexia watched the scene, her lips agape as she watched every last one of them return from the dead. The aftershock of their return had shook her to the point, she hadn't even noticed when Elijah had dismissed the Salvatore brothers or when Rebekah greeted her to which she responded blindly with a simple 'welcome back'.

   As she lay back on her seat in thought the revived siblings begun rekindling with one another, Klaus being a common topic amongst the lot, where they more often than not bonded over their disdain for him. Soon after, the lot had come to a consensus that they would be fleeing Mystic Falls, leaving Niklaus to rot on his own as they would venture out into the world on their own.

   Amidst the chaos of Klaus' banishment, her melodious voice spoke, the conversation coming to a halt. "Do you have the white oak casket in your possession?" Her chocolate brown orbs met with Klaus' towering gaze, "How do you know about that?"

   She rose from her seat, her honey blonde hair falling free on her back. "As much as I adore Rebekah. I'm afraid I am not present tonight due to my knowledge of this little reunion...nor did I come to this town for pleasantries. I require the casket and am willing to reimburse you well for it."

   Klaus let out a chuckle at her offer, "I hope you realize, sweetheart. I've been alive for a thousand years. I have everything I desire. What more could you possibly have to offer me?" "I possess the knowledge to your path of redemption Niklaus. All I ask for return is the white oak casket which you have no need for."

   Niklaus prepared to launch at her before Elijah sopped him in his path, pulling his backwards with the force of his hand as he met the woman's gaze. "I am in possession of the last casket. Tell me what this knowledge you possess is and then perhaps we could work out an arrangement."

   Alexia's eyes darkened at his words as she let out a manic laugh, allowing her back to sink back into the lounge chair. "I know who's in the locked casket ━ not the white oak one, obviously. And more importantly I know how to awake who's in it. Care to take a guess?"

   Silence filled the room up, till came a deep voice from the youngest of the siblings. He had been a silent observer in the conversation up until this moment, his chocolate brown orbs locking with her own, a smirk spreading across his face as realisation dawned on him, "Our mother." The golden haired beauty took a proper look at him, the wide grin of mischief on his face ━ Kol Mikaelson, the wildest of them all.

   Elijah turned to her with his hands out, a hopeful smile on his face. "I believe we have an agreement."

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i hope you enjoyed this chapter. i sure as hell enjoyed writing it :D

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