Forget Me Not - Rizzle Kicks Short Story

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Forget Me Not - Rizzle Kicks Short Story


Jordan removed his snap back, and walked inside the flat Harley, his best mate, brother rather, and himself shared. He removed his shoes, kicking them to the side, setting his snap back on the door side table. "Harley?" He called out, questioning if the young man was home or not. When Jordan didn't receive a call back, his first assumption was Harley wasn't home. So, as any other young adult would do, Jordan opened the refrigerator, looking for a cold Coke or a nice cold beer. When unsuccessful in finding a Coke, he settled for the beer.

Jordan walked over to the day bed Harley had insisted was placed in the living room, for some odd reason. Jordan dismissed the annoying thought, taking a swig of his alcoholic name brand beer. He plopped down on the plush bed, after standing above it for a few moments. He tested Harley, wondering when the older boy would be back from whatever he was out doing. Jordan tossed his blackberry off to the other side of the room, setting his bottle down on the Oak Coffee Table his mum had bought him when he first moved into the new flat.

 The dark skinned boy reached for the remote, flipping on the new episode of his favorite show, Celebrity Juice. Today's guest were some friends, "The Wanted", a British-Irish boy band. He laughed as Tom was guided through an obstacle course, in resemblance in to which the other lads said was his bedroom. Jordan reached down and grasped the bottle, taking another big swig.

In a couple more swigs, Jordan estimated the cold beverage will be gone. He gets up, and shuffles to the fridge, debating whether or not to just grab the whole 14 pack of beer. The devil on his shoulder said Yes, as the angel demanded he grab one, and that be his final. You see, Jordan is a very stubborn lad, therefore, he goes for the whole pack, ignoring his angel. He grabbed the blue cardboard package, shuffling back to the day bed. He sat down with an 'oomph' noise escaping his lips.


15 Minutes Later

Jordan could tell he was drunk, as could any other sane person. He stumbled to the bathroom, giggling like a school girl. He heard a faint buzzing noise, and jumped. When Jordan got drunk, everyone who partied with him knew that he got like a school girl. Giggling, Skipping, and a bit Gay. All though, he, and everyone else knew he wasn't. It was a drunk phase. Everyone has them.

  Jordan followed the buzzing noise like a curious school girl, giggling every time he ran into a wall, door, or tripped over Harley's stray shoes and socks... or himself. He found the source of the buzzing noise, rather his phone. He dropped the small electronic several times before gripping it between his legs. He unlocked his small blackberry, trying his best to read the message.

From: Ed

hey mate, come out to the Buddha! partying hard with Harley. come out. see ya soon mate.

Jordan slumped on the daybed, thinking out whether or not he should go. With a mind like his, no thought would be clear. So, he put his white trainers on, setting his Manchester United snap back on top of his head. He stumbled his way into the closet, taking the car keys out of his coat pocket. He kicked a beer bottle out of his way as he made his way over to the door, falling against the door two times before actually opening the white door. Jordan turned around, using the keys to some-what lock the door before stumbling down the stairs.

All the way, he had a smirk playing on his lips. At the moment, he was completely blasted, and couldn't count from 5. All though, for being drunk, he did have a very obsessive mind. Even so, he could barely walk, and was NOT fit to drive. But, he was a stubborn drunk, as well as a school girl drunk, all though, school girls were stubborn.

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