Chapter 6

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The sun was just rising at the Tree Of Life, as Kion slowly opened his eyes, stretched, and yawned. He looked around, seeing his brother, Baliyo and his sister, Rani lieing pretty close to him, and his parents lieing down fast asleep on the rock throne thing.

Kion stood up and jumped over his sister, and walked towards the entrance. He exited the tree, seeing nobody around, but seeing it is still a little dark out, the sun would probably be up in about 30 minutes.

Kion looked around, and stepped further out of the tree, going up the little hill, but quickly stopped, when he sniffed the air, but before he could move out of the way, somebody had pounced on him and pinned him, and that somebody is, his sister.

"Hehe, hey Kiara!" Kion chuckled, as Kiara nuzzled his neck and lieing down on him.

"Did you sneak out?" Kion asked, Kiara smirking and getting up.

"Well... I guess so. I mean~ it isn't sneaking out, when mother let me." Kiara said, Kion chucklering and standing up.

"Hey, you want to see my favourite places?" Kion asked, Kiara gasping and quickly nodding her head in excitement.

Kion chuckled, and started walking towards the Tree Of Life, going around it.

"Where we going!?" Kiara asked, excitedly.

"You'll see..." Kion said, staying quite, incase of waking his parents.

"Hey, are you sneaking out?" Kiara asked, Kion chuckerling.

"Well  its not really sneaking out. I know my way around here, and have been here pretty much all my life." Kion said, him picking up his pace, Kiara trotting beside him, looking around.

"This place is incredible! What sort of animals do you do here?" Kiara asked her long lost little brother.

"Hm, lets see. We have really rare, common, or just normal animals, like; Antelopes, tigers, Pandas, penguins, Lemurs, Forest, all sorts!" Kion explained, Kiara looking around.

"Woah... we never get those sorts in the Pridelands! Its Usually just been the Pridelanders like Zebras, Antelopes, Gazels, them sorts!" Kiara also explaind.

"Yeah, well we are here!" Kion announced, as Kiara looked ahead, seeing vines.

"Uhm, is this safe?" Kiara asked, her slowing her paste down to a stop.

"Well duh! Did you really think, I would bring you here, if it wasn't safe!?" Kion said, walking through the vines, Kiara shrugging and following closely behind her brother, but stopped and awed at the view ahead of her.

"Well duh! Did you really think, I would bring you here, if it wasn't safe!?" Kion said, walking through the vines, Kiara shrugging and following closely behind her brother, but stopped and awed at the view ahead of her

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"Woah..." Kiara muttered.

"It's quite a view, isn't it?" Kion said, Kiara looking at her brother, seeing him smirk and run off down this hill, Kiara running off after him, but Kion stopped, as he approuched some Gazel herd.

Some Gazels stopped what they were doing, to look at the two young lions, seeing them happily trotting through the herd, Kion jumping over a few animals, as he helped a little mouse out the middle of the herd, and let him go on the other side, near a rock.

"This place is truely amazing. But, Kion..." Kiara said, as she stopped, looking at Kion, seeing how happy he looks, standing their, looking at every animal.

"Hm?" Kion hummed.

"Uh, nevermind..." Kiara muttered, Kion shrugging and gasped, runing over to the lake, Kiara following. Kiara ran a bit ahead and dived into it, Kion stopping at the edge, but then quickly jumped in, running over to Kiaera, the water not being that deep.

Kiara stopped and looked confused, as all of the animals in the lake or drinking out of it, didnt run away.

"Wow, they aren't running away!" Kiara exclaimed, Kion nodding, most of the animals bowoing their head down, as Kion walked around in the water.

"Y-you and that group of animals, do you-?" Kion cut his sister off.

"Yeah... we protect them... this is my life now." Kion said, as Kiara smiled softly at him.

Kiara decided to splash Kion, in which said lion grunted and chuckerled, then started chasing after Kiara, in which she jumped out of the lake and started running, but stopped, as Kion caught up to her and shook of, so she was still a little damp, but now soaked.

"Hey!" Kiara shouted, laughing.

"What? You started it!" Kion also shouted, but stopped laughing, when he looked up to see the sun almost set.

"How is the sun almost gone already?" Kiara asked, Kion shrugging.

"We need to start going back to the tree, your parents are meeting at the tree with my family. We have to be there, we are pretty much already late." Kion expained, as Kiara nodded and the two siblings started to walk back to the tree.

"RACE YA!!!" Kiara yelled, running past Kion, him shaking his head and laughing, chasing after his sister, remembering them doing this, just as little cubs, behind their fathers backs.

About 15 minuted of running, Kiara and Kion were tight, they sped up more, them seeing everyone outside of the tree, but ignored it, as they didnt really notice. Kiara smirked at her younger brother.

"Haha! Slow poke!?" She shouted, King Simba, King Sãhasi, Queen Nala, Queen Ananda, Surack, Nirmala, Rani, and Baliyo, looked up, seeing the two lions trip, and roll down the hill.

"I won!" Kiara shouted, jumping off of Kion, and turned to look at him, Kion standing up and tried to protest.

"Nu Uh! I won! You tripped me!?" Kion yelled, Kiara sticking her toungue out at him, in to Kions respounce, chucked his self at his sister.

"Hey!" Kiara shouted, King Simba about to interfeen, that was till, Kiara pinned Kion down.

"Pinned ya!" Kiara said, as Kion groaned.

"Okay, okay! You win!?" Kion shouted, Kiara laughing and getting off of him. They turned around to see, Queen Nala, Ananda, King Sahasi, Surack, Nirmala, Baliyo, and Rani laughing.

"Lets get on with this." King Simba grumbled, Kion glaring at him and was about to say somthing, but that was until, Kiara nudged him and ndded her head, saying, 'no' Kion hated when sombody tolded him no.

"Not yet..." Kiara whispered into Kions ear, them both walking over and sitting down next to each other.

"So~ Now, that we are all here! King Simba, Queen Nala, what is your tradition, and requests?" King Sahasi asked the King and Queen, as Kion rolled his eyes and yawned, causing Kiara to nudge him.

"My requests, is for your children to respect us, especially that little runt!" King Simba said, motioning towards, Kion, cause, Queen Asnanda to bare her teeth lightly. Kion rolled his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Please, don't call our son a runt." King Sahasi said, Kion looking down, Rani and Baliyo ready to attack him, but Kion growling slightly at them, getting them to stand down. Kiara glared at her father.

"Anyone else has any requests?" Queen Ananda asked, looking to everybody, till Kion stood up.

"I have a request!" Kion says, everybody turning to him.

"Very well, son!" King Sahasi said, Kion coming forwards, towards King Simba, making him stand up.

"My request, is that I want, you to respect our Pride, animals, every living being inside of this tree. And, I do not expect for you to be rude to my dad and mom, and also, don't be so harsh onto Kiara... she has already had a hard life!" Kion says, King Simba barring his teeth, as Queen Nala stood up, and stood infront of King Simba and Kion.

"We can do that." Nala said, as she smiled softly at Kion, knowing her baby boy, as Kion nodded and smiled softly at her, but quickly sitting back down, next to Kiara.

What if Kion was raised by Sãhasi And Ãnanda?Where stories live. Discover now