The guard left in a huff, and Junhui turned to glare at Wonwoo.

"I heard it was you who informed them about me. Why can't you mind your own fucking business?!"

"You think I can just sit by and watch you leave? You're breaking the rules, I have every right to report you. Also, you'd know better than to argue since deep down you know I'm right. That's final."

Wonwoo turned to the side and attempted to fall asleep once again, but was plagued by pesky thoughts so annoying he could not force his mind to shut down.

Just because Junhui was able to escape and he couldn't...

Was he being selfish by reporting the other omega's escape?

(y'all can comment to vote on this line whether he was being selfish or not. It doesn't affect the story, I just wanted to do this for fun :D)


Meanwhile, the omega in the cell opposite was being plagued similarly by pesky thoughts, and not just those, but also an unfulfilled wish.

"Junhui hyung, I miss my brother..."

"I'm really sorry. At least you have someone you miss, I don't have anyone."

"No, it's worse if you have someone to miss. You spend every day worrying whether they're doing alright, whether they even remember you, whether you'll even get to see them again..."

"I don't know what to say, but I hope you'll be reunited again soon."

"Hyung, can you make a promise with me? It doesn't have to be a blood oath, but it'll give me a great relief if you accept."

"Sure, what is it?"

"If I don't make it out of here alive, help me look for my brother. Tell him I sent you, and that he need not look for me. He isn't the best at taking care of himself, and I worry for him."

"Don't speak such bullshit. Of course you'll get out of here alive."

The other sent him a smile, but Junhui hadn't known, that grin held no actual happiness. Behind it was sheer desperation and a fighting spirit for immediate change.

That was the last night Junhui saw his neighbouring cellmate alive. He had awoken in the middle of the night to the cell door wide open, alarms blaring outside, and the growling as an entire pack of wolf guards took on one prisoner.

He could not stand to watch, crawling under the bed and using the pillow to cover his ears, yet it was futile. The cries of pain still made it through the walls of protection he put up for himself.

It was a long night, and by the time the fighting died down, day had broke. Under the rays of sunlight, everything looked worse. He had taken one glance outside and knew he would never unsee that moment for the rest of his life.

The cleaners dragging away the young alpha's mauled and broken body...

Despite having never agreed to the promise, Junhui took it upon himself to fulfil the other's final wish. One way or another, he would find some way to.

But after another botched attempt, that goal seemed too far out of reach.


The next days passed with no incidents: the two cell neighbours weren't talking, and Junhui hadn't made any more escape attempts, to the delight of Minghao. There was no excitement, many condescending words and too much sexual desire.

Many a time would Mingyu appear, eager to use Wonwoo as a plaything, but the latter never looked eager to be toyed with. Even as a spicy one he wouldn't do. He was too filled with hatred that lust took no place in the omega's heart.

Even Junhui seemed to lack the playful enthusiasm he used to have, forcing Mingyu to turn to the other three omegas, Shua, Kyeom and Vern.

It wasn't that they were bad, per se, but they had a couple... Issues that had to be worked around. Kyeom was a little, um, loud, which made it a torture for pretty much everyone in the place. And well, Shua and Vern had been shipped in from overseas, so while they weren't bad, their grasp of the language could do with improvement.

It wasn't exactly thrilling to have them scream things he couldn't understand-

(I'm exposing my knowledge of this stuff too much I need holy water and jisoos christ)

All in all, the neighbours were not of a particularly amicable sort, till that one night when all of that changed.


One of Junhui's hobbies was to observe the stars. Seeing the limited number of activities the enclosed rooms could hold, it was already one of the better ones.

Each night, he'd watch for a new twinkle in the moody clouds, and knowing that his old deceased buddy was still watching over him, ensuring his success in locating his brother.

"Why do you keep looking out the window? It's not like there's anything interesting."

Wonwoo broke the silence that the two had sustained over almost a month.

"It might seem uninteresting to you, but it's interesting to me. I have reasons in picking such a hobby."

"And what would that hobby be?"

"I'm looking at the stars."

"What's so interesting about that?"


Wonwoo slowly glanced down at the floor, instantly feeling bad. It wasn't as though the other had done anything wrong, he was condemning someone for their interest even though he didn't know the other all that well.

"It's because he enjoyed observing the stars."

Slowly, Wonwoo lifted his gaze again.

"The one who once lived in your cell."

He knew he'd regret asking, but he couldn't hold his tongue.

"What happened to him?"

"He's dead."

"I'm sorry."

"But he's the reason why I enjoy looking at the stars now. Every night I'd see him glance fondly out the window, as if he knew they held the key to his freedom. Now that he's gone, I do that for him. Maybe I'll find the key to his freedom for him."

"I had a relative who liked to do that too, but he went missing years ago."

"I'm sorry for your loss..."


Author's note: I probably will have to continue this in a part 2 sowwy T_T

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