I'll miss you

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Lucy's pov

It was the day of the 3rd and 4th place play off and I really didn't want to play knowing that we could have been in the final instead. I think the rest of the girls felt the same but tried not to show it. I sat next to Lucy Staniforth on the bus to the game knowing she would sense I didn't want to talk. When we arrived at the stadium and went out for warmups we saw the Swedish team evidently happier than us. Phil had said that really this game didn't matter and we shouldn't push ourselves too much. The game went by and yet another unfair decision against us causing us to finish 4th overall.

When we got back to the hotel I decided that I would pack my stuff and leave the next day. I didn't see the point in staying and I would rather just get ready for my third season at Lyon. I decided to go down for dinner and try catch most of the team to say goodbye, when I arrived nearly everyone was there apart from Keira, Leah, Fran and Ellen. I sat down with my plate and started eating deciding the best time to say goodbye. There was conversation throughout dinner mainly about the new season everyone clearly trying to avoid talking about the game.
"So Lucy when are you planning to go back to Lyon" Jill said causing everyone to turn towards me,
"Tomorrow actually" i said casually,
"What? your not going to fly back to England first?" Steph said furrowing her eyebrows,
"No, I don't really see the point and I want to get a head start for next season"
"I think we all hoped that you would come back for a bit" Georgia intervened.

I just want to avoid everyone and have some time to myself, my family are already in France so they can come and visit me before they go home. I'm heartbroken we didn't win and I don't want peoples sympathy I just want to get better so we win next time.

After dinner I headed out to the bench that overlooked the beach again finding comfort in the pinks and oranges in the sky. I watched the sunset before I felt someone sit down next to me. I immediately knew who it was.
"Two nights in a row huh?"
"I figured you would be here" Keira said glancing at me.
"I didn't see you at dinner" i said looking away from the sunset to Keira.
"I was in my room, I didn't really feel like eating" she spoke, she seemed hesitant. A minute passed by before I relised I hadn't told her I was leaving.
"I'm going back to Lyon tomorrow" i said refocusing on the sky.
"What?" Keira exclaimed,
"Yeah, I don't really feel like staying and it will save me the flights back to England"
"Why wouldn't you want to come home?" Keira said curiously
Home I thought, I missed Manchester and the team but I knew in order to improve my career I had to leave. I also needed time to figure out life outside of football.
"I think I'll just ask my family to come to me since they are already here" i replied.
"Oh" was all Keira said before we went into a confortable silence. 10 minutes later Keira had decided to head back inside and I did as well. As she was walking away I caught her wrist making her turn to face me,
"I'll miss you" i said not sure of her reaction after what happend the last time I said that.


There was one person I was dreading telling that I was leaving Man City. Keira. She was my best friend and we had become incredibly close over the last couple of years. We did everything together and she understood me like no one else could. I was a complicated person and I struggled with my emotions but Keira knew what I needed even before I did and so without her I knew I would struggle. My phone went off and I saw it was a text from Keira

We still on for dinner? :)

Only Keira could make dinner seem so exciting, I quickly replied before debating the best way to tell her.
After dinner I decided that I couldn't hold off telling her any longer.
"Hey kei" i said gently
"What's up?" She replied clearly confused at my sudden serious tone,
"I..I have to tell you something" I stuttered, when she only nodded I continued
"I've signed with Lyon" i spoke carefully trying not to show any emotion.
"Oh" she hesitated "i didn't realise you wanted to leave" was all she said
"I want to become a better player and person, I think Lyon can help with that"
"That's fair enough.....I just wish you didn't need to leave for you to do that" she spoke sadness laced in her voice.
The room was then went silent with the mood clearly ruined.
"I think I should head home now" Keira spoke up after what felt like eternity
"Yeah sure I should probably get some rest anyway" i replied "I'll miss you Keira, I need you to know that" I said softly, something I said seemed to set her off, she became flustered and left quickly with barely a goodbye. I debabted texting her all night to see why she left so quickly but I knew she probably needed space so I went to sleep ready for a new chapter in my life.

End of flashback

Keira seemed caught in a daze before she quickly replied "Yeah you too" I looked into her eyes trying to see what she was thinking but she abruptly walked away before I had the chance to ask.

The next morning

When I woke up I felt a pit in my stomach after my conversation with Keira, I knew there was no chance I would see her this morning as I was leaving so early so I decided I would just text her later. When I arrived at the airport I saw I had a text already from Keira

Have a safe flight text me when you land

I quickly replied deciding to wait until I had arrived home to ask her if she was alright.

When I got home it was 12:00pm and I threw myself on my bed exhausted from the travel and intense World Cup schedule. I pulled out my phone to text my family to let them know I was safe and Keira

I just got home, flight was fine

I received a text from Keira in a matter of seconds

Keira- That's good, is your family going to visit?

Me- Yeah they arrive next week

Keira- I'm glad

Me- Are you okay you seemed upset Yesterday?

Keira- Yeah I was just disappointed That you weren't coming home, I rarely see you and I was hoping We could have spent time together

That's the second time Keira had called Manchester home and my heart quickened reading her text.

Me- I'm sorry, the loss really hurts and I'm not in the mood for smalltalk

Keira- Yeah I understand

I threw my phone across the room, suddenly feeling guilty. Keira had a crazy affect on me. She is my best friend and I would do anything for her, she is the one person I call when I need anything.


Breaking news: Man City star spotted kissing mystery man

That's what the headlines read that morning. I had a killer of a headache after getting wasted the night before. I didn't remember much only that I ended up calling Keira to pick me up.

Keira's pov

Lucy had just phoned me asking me to pick her up. I could tell she was drunk. The way she was talking I could tell she wouldn't remember anything tommorow. I drove up to the club she was at and I saw her standing next to a man I had never seen before, he had his arm wrapped around her waist holding her close. She pulled away when she saw my car stumbling over.
"Supppppp kei" she slurred as she got in the passenger seat,
"Hey Lucy" I said hoping to avoid conversation knowing she wouldn't remember any of it, a few minutes passed then Lucy turned to me
"I love you Keira" she slurred.
If only you knew I thought to myself,
"Hey your supposed to say it back" she said staring at me
"Yeah well you won't remember" i muttered,
She didn't say anything else the rest of the car ride, I just wondered how I would have reacted if she really meant it.
"Thanks kei" she said stepping out the car, she walked a few paces before she started to stumble so I got out the car to help her inside. When we reached her door she turned to look at me,
"Your the best, you know that, no one else is like you" she mumbled
"okay you need to go inside" i said pushing her through the door. When I got her into bed I put a bottle of water and some medicine on the table next to her hoping to cure her hangover she would most likely have the next day.
"Stay with me Keira" she murmured grabbing my arm
"No i can't" i replied moving from her grasp
"Guess what Keira" she said clearly ignoring what I just said,
"I kissed someone tonight, but I would have rather kissed you"
My heart stopped. I wasn't sure what to say, as I was about to reply I heard soft snores coming from Lucy. I left immediately hoping that she would forget everything the next morning. When I woke up I saw the headlines, there was a headline about me as well.
Lucy bronze seen leaving with friend and teammate Keira Walsh
Friends. That's all we would ever be.

End of flashback

Lucy's pov

I asked keira what happened that day numerous times hoping to fill in the blanks from that night but every time I did she deflected the question and went all weird. That was the first time the news was about me and my personal life but it certainly wasn't the last, that's partly why I chose to leave Manchester, I didn't like everyone watching me like I was some sort of animal in a cage.

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