Dynamic Duo

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Second Oneshot, not a request, just something I thought would be cool. Picnic with Albedo and Klee, Normal AU. You're also his assistant.

You're writing down the results of Albedo's latest experiment, based on the messily scribbled notes the alchemist took. While you do so, he works tirelessly in a different part of the lab, trying to recreate those results. You're almost finished with your writing when you hear a knock at the door. Albedo doesn't look up, too focused on his work. "Just a minute!" You quickly walk over to the door opening it just a bit to see who's there. A blue eye and an eyepatch greet you. "Oh, Sir Kaeya! What brings you here?" Suddenly a familiar red eyed little girl jumps out from behind him. "Klee brought him!" You let the two in, and Albedo finally looks up to see who the guests are. "Jean needs me to handle something, and I can't bring our little spark knight with me. I let her pick who she wants to spend time with, and she chose to spend some time with her big brother and his wonderful assistant." Kaeya smirks at you his words smooth with a hint of flirtiness behind them, something you've come to expect from the calvary captain. Albedo appears behind you and spooks you a bit since you didn't see him walk over. "As much as I'd love to spend time with you Klee, we are very busy at the moment, and I'm not sure you'd enjoy sitting around for so long."
"I don't mind Albedo! Klee will be extra good for you!" You and Albedo look at each other and back at Klee, who is now looking up at you with puppy dog eyes. Albedo finally breaks. "Alright then, how about we go out somewhere. The experiment can wait."
"Wait, are you sure? I thought-"
"Nevermind that, Klee is more important." Albedo says quietly to you. Of course he would drop everything for her, they really are very close. Kaeya leaves you with a wave and you start planning where you are going to go.

Albedo has you and Klee go to Starfell Lake. He says he'll catch up with you. He asked you to accompany him and Klee on their outing, to help keep an extra pair of eyes on Klee, since he trusts you the most when it comes to handling Klee. Sucrose is intimidated by her and Timaus doesn't like kids. You and Klee are messing around at the lake, seeing who can throw a bomb the farthest into the water, so far Klee is winning, when Albedo turns up with a picnic blanket and a basket full of food. "Aww, you made lunch? That's so sweet of you." You look through the basket to see what he's made. Albedo smiles shyly as he lays out the blanket. "I thought a picnic would be nice. Klee always enjoys them." Klee, who was previously distracted by a fish, notices what you and Albedo are doing and zooms over at lightning speed to look through the basket. "Wow, wow, wow! A picnic for Klee? You're the best!"
"Of course! I even made some of your favorites." He pulls out some sunshine sprats, and some fisherman's toast. Made using some special recipes.
"Wow this all looks delicious, thank you Albedo." You make yourself a plate, and then assist Klee with her food. Klee finishes faster than both of you, going to chase a fox into a patch of wild flowers, leaving you and Albedo alone.
"How is it?" He asks, breaking the quiet you had sat in for a couple minutes.
"Its delicious! You'll have to give me the recipe for these sunshine sprats, they're so different from how I normally see them cooked."
"Ah yes, well I use a recipe I made myself up in dragon spine, basically you cook the fish with..." as he goes on about his recipe you can't help but admire him. He goes off on tangents rather frequently but you'll never grow tired of listening to every single one. The way he explains things is so engaging. You also love the way his eyes light up when he's particularly excited about a certain topic, and the way a smile dances on his lips as his talks. Sometimes you almost wish he wouldn't talk, so you could see more of that smile.

"Hello? Are you feeling alright?" A hand waves in from of your face.
"Huh? Oh, I'm so sorry, I zoned out."
"Its quite alright, I know my droning on and on can be a bit dull. However you seem to be doing this more and more, are you doing alright?" You think for a moment. You have been zoning out during his spiels quite frequently as of late. You can't seem to figure out why.
"You're staring at me."
"Oh! Goodness, sorry, how rude of me." You blush, embarrassed.
"You do that a lot too. Is something on your mind?" You get a bit nervous. Has something been on your mind lately? Have you really been staring and zoning out that frequently?
"Well, I guess I just get.. distracted. I've been more distracted recently."
"Why?" He leans closer, curious about hearing what you have to say.
"I'm not sure.. it only happens when I'm around you though."
"I see." He thinks for a moment. You swear you see a hint of blush, but you could be mistaken. "Maybe, I'm your distraction? But why?"
"Maybe I just, admire you a lot." You notice your faces have gotten closer.
"I admire you too.." Albedo says this quietly, quieter than he had been talking. As if he was telling a secret.
"What is it that you admire about me?" This question gives him pause, but it's clear he's thought about it before.
"I admire your work ethic. Your wits. You're very talented in the field of alchemy. But more than that, I think I admire you as a person. Klee likes you quite a bit. And, I think I like you a lot too."
"I like you too, Albedo." Your faces are almost touching. If Albedo wasn't blushing before, he definitely is now. A moment of silence goes by, and it feels as though you get closer and closer. And after what feels like hours, you finally speak. "May I kiss you?"
"You may." And you do. You press your lips against his, and you feel him smile under the kiss. You smile too. You would've never guessed that this would happen. You weren't even aware that you wanted to do this with him, or that he wanted to with you, but you're glad you asked, and even more glad he said yes.

"Albedo! What are you doing?" You both quickly pull away as you see Klee staring at you, looking dumbfounded. You watch Albedo stumble over his words trying to provide an explanation, but before he can Klee lights up. She squeals. "I'm telling Kaeya you guys are kissing!" She runs away, back towards Mondstadt.
"No! Klee! Come back here!" Albedo gets up to run after her, but before he does he looks back at you.
"Would you mind, picking all this up?"
"Of course."
"And also. Can you come see me later, we have some things we need to discuss." He gives you a soft smile.
"Of course." You give him an assuring nod. And with that he runs to catch up with Klee. You smile to yourself. Excited, and a little nervous for what lies ahead, especially with such a dynamic duo.

Albedo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now