Five More Minutes

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This was the one requested by my friend on discord. It's quiet short so apologies. But I hope you enjoy my first Albedo fanfiction! Albedo×Reader Modern AU. Albedo is an author.

      "5 more minute, then I'll go to bed." Albedo says as he shoos you out of his office. "I just need to finish up this last chapter."
      "You're lucky I'm tired, otherwise, I'd drag you to bed. You better sleep at some point or I'll be upset." You give him a stern look.
      "I promise." Albedo gives you a quick smile before disappearing into his office once more. You sigh as you make your way to your bedroom. You take a nice hot shower and give a sigh upon returing to your room. Albedo isnt there, he must still be in his office. As you lay in bed you long for your lovely Albedo to be there beside you. With that thought you drift off to sleep, hoping he keeps his word.

      You slowly open your eyes and take in the room around you. You just had the weirdest dream about a floating child following you around everywhere. You look beside you and notice Albedo isn't there like he said he would be. "What time is it?" you wonder aloud in a groggy voice. You go to the kitchen to get a glass of water and check the time. It's 2 o'clock in the morning. He didn't keep his promise.. You rub your eyes slowly now tired and slightly frustrated, however you figured this would probably happen. You decide to make your lover a small snack, knowing he must be hungry, and you pour him a glass of milk and then you make your way quietly over to his office. You carefully open the door and see Albedo sitting at his desk lost in thought, seemingly experiencing a bit of writers block.
      "Hey, I brought you a snack." You say quietly as you walk over to him.
      "Huh? Oh, thank you, dear. What time is it? Shouldn't you be asleep?"
      "You're one to talk." You set the snack and milk down in his desk and stand behind him, wrapping your arms around his neck and shoulders and laying your head on his hair.
      "I'm sorry hun, I got stuck on how to end the chapter and time seems to have passed a lot faster than I thought. I promise I'll come to bed as soon as I finish."
      "I think you should sleep on it. You always say that, and then I find you asleep at your desk the next morning, still with an unfinished chapter. Please come to bed, Bedo. You need rest."
      "Maybe.. I just hate leaving things unfinished like this.." He takes one of your hands in his and uses the other to take a sip of milk.
      "I know Bedo, but you'll feel better after some sleep, alright?" You rub circles on his hand with your thumb and gently kiss his forehead. "You finish your snack and I'll be there waiting. Promise me you'll come?"
      "I promise. For real this time." Though it's not too reassuring you decide to leave it at that and leave him with one last kiss and a ruffle of his hair. You go to your room and lay down and grab your phone, glad that you're not too tired so you can stay up and wait for your love.
      A few minutes pass by and you hear your bedroom door open with a creak.
      "I didn't think you'd be awake still." Albedo quietly enters the room and gets in bed beside you.
      "I told you I'd be waiting, didn't I?" As he lays down and gets himself comfortable, you scoot closer to him, setting your phone on the nightstand and wrapping your arms around him. You cuddle him close, your head resting on his chest. He quietly runs a hand through your hair.
      "I suppose that's true, still, you don't have to stay up for me."
      "I do when you don't keep your promises."
      "Point taken. I'm sorry hun. I'll try not to let that happen again." He kisses your forehead, shifting so he's hugging you tight against him, his hand tracing circles on your back.
      "I know love. Now, no more talking. It's time for sleeping." To emphasize your statement you bury your face in his chest and he giggles quietly.
      "Goodnight my dear."
      "Goodnight my love." With that, you both soon drift off to sleep.

      The next day you wake up to your work alarm before Albedo. You gently try to nudge him awake, as you both have things to do today. "Albedo, you have to wake up. We have a busy day ahead of us." He groans and rolls over, covering his head with the covers. "Five more minutes, then I'll get up. I just want to sleep a little longer."
      "Fine. But this time, you're keeping to your word." With that you leave the room to go make breakfast for the two of you, excited to start another day with your lovely boyfriend.

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