Slime and Vampire Part 3

Start from the beginning


"My people are dead, here, right in front of me... Yet, my mind remained calm and cold. Intense emotions swirling within me, but... A single tear couldn't be shed" (Rimuru) said to herself while Luminous hugged her gently, silently listening.

"... Ah, I see. I've become a monster at heart as well" (Rimuru) said, Luminous was a bit confused by that remark but she started gently caressing Rimuru's hair.

"And what's wrong with being a monster?" (Luminous) asked.

"Did you asked to be one? Just because you being a monster, does that automatically mean you're just an emotionless husk that hurt and kills everyone you see?" (Luminous) continued.

"No, here you are, an intelligent monster, you built your own country, and gathered lots of strong subordinates that greatly admires you. Your people died and is now right in front of you, you couldn't shed a tear, but deep inside, you're sad, you're angry, you felt regret of not being strong enough and for being late" (Luminous)

"Then Rimuru, are you just gonna let it be?" (Luminous) finished.

Luminous's {Lust} can revived someone as long as the body and soul is intact, the current problem is that she can't revive this many people and the soul has already left their body, it's still inside the barrier but it doesn't changed the fact that the soul is no longer there in their body.

A bit of her cold side, Luminous doesn't care about these dead monsters, she only cares about Rimuru and wants to do what's best for Rimuru. She have a obvious soft side to Rimuru but she doesn't want her to rely on her too much.

Rimuru never said a word after that, as if she was contemplating, on what Luminous's said.


After three days, the two of them stayed in place without uttering a word and with Luminous faithfully hugging Rimuru.

Rimuru moved and stood up with Luminous following the suit.

"Thank you Lumi, sorry for letting you comfort me for days" (Rimuru)

"It's nothing Rimuru" (Luminous)

Rimuru's mask suddenly cracked. Luminous already noticed this familiar mask but kept quiet for now.

Rimuru held her hand out towards the dead bodies and a black smoke came out of her palm.

"Rimuru---" (Luminous)

Luminous was about to tell Rimuru about reviving people, she didn't mentioned this much earlier since she first wants to calm Rimuru down and the chances of this is extremely low, she didn't want her Beloved to be heartbroken when it failed but she got cut off when three people are running towards their location and yelling.

"Rimuru-san!" (Ellen) shouted in a distance.

Luminous noticed that Rimuru lowered her hand so she decided to tell her about reviving people later.

"Don't shoulder that heavy burden alone, Rimuru" (Luminous)

As she said that she kissed Rimuru's head, concealed her presence, and hid near their location so she can still hear what they're talking about.

"Thanks Lumi" (Rimuru) said in a low and dry voice.

Luminous was listening on what the Trio saying and when Ellen mentioned about the {Secret Arts of Revival}, revealed herself as an Elf and told Rimuru about the Milim's story, Rimuru smiled with a determined look.

A small smile crept on Luminous's face who saw this. Luminous left since she no longer have to explained about reviving people, she can visit her when Rimuru awakened as a True Demon Lord.

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