Levi, the evil brother of Bailey

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Wednesday had finally come! I dragged myself out of bed in the morning, not really wanting to go to school until I realised what day it was! I looked at the calander, my eyes went wide and I silently screamed! Today's the day! Yay!

I dragged on my school uniform, and glanced into the mirror.

Face wahsed (tick)

Teeth brushed (tick)

showered (tick)

hair dried (tick)

hair styled (oh sh*t!)

I looked at my whole face and hair, thank God that my face wasn't covered in spots, although there was just that one little one in the right corner...ugh! I sighed and sat down heavily on my bedroom floor. I got my brush out and brushed my hair out, hoping for a miracle. I hope that my hair would suddenly de-frizz and curl itself perfectly, no hairspray needed... Hah! Yeah, right... If it was that simple...

I flipped my fringe to the right, covering up the little spot and made a side parting. I glance at myself... hmm...better... I then sperated the left side into three equal parts and braided three french braids. It looked cute,sassy and easy done, as if I hadn't spent half an hour doing it!

I got my soft pink tinted lip balm and applied some, not too much, making sure it looked natural. I gave myself a final stare in the mirror, now happy with the sight I behold, went into the bathroom and used some hairspray on my naturally wavy hair and prayed to the lord above that it would stay like this for the rest of the day and after school.

I went downstairs, in a happy mood, said hello to my step-dad and mom and little brother, and announced to my mom that I've got rehearsals after school. Of course, she had to let me go, although I did feel a bit guilty about lying to her...

I crossed the road, bright smile breaking through, and I actually laughed, to myself! I thought I was going cray until I realised that it was just because I was ever so happy!

I noticed from the corner of my eye that someone was walking behind me... Two someones! I did a slight turn and to my deepest dissapointment and dissaproval, I realised that it was Josh's friend, Bailey and his brother Levi (I know, weirdest name ever! It's actually pronounced Levoi) I grunted under my breath and abrubtly turned and walked faster up the road.

I was by the crossing when Levi walked up to me and actually talked!

"Hey" He said, his voice still immature, I sniggered. If only he knew that the guy I liked had such a deeper, sexier voice than him! It made him seem pathetic!

"Hey" I said casually, trying to mask my hate.

This guys' family and mine so don't get along! His sister (Bella) had been bullying me since we'd moved here five years ago, so tension was a massive thing! Thank God his other brother (Joe) was not here... he seemed to have a very awkward socialising vision...

I made no attempt to carry on the conversation. No thanks.

"Ewww man! Your uniforms' rank!" Bailey called out, Bastard.

"Yes, it is" I replied casually, even knowing to myself that bottle-green is not ideal!

"So, how are you?" Asked Levi, trying desperately to bring the conversation back to normal

"Why d'you care?" I said and walked up the path to my school... seriously?! The guy hates me and I hate him and when I actually make myself look pretty he suddenly wants to talk to me! I don't think so!

I have Nico...

He said he loved me... (completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz