Jensen Ackles Imagine

Start from the beginning

so you wanna reminisce things? well, don't come 'round here with that. if we review through your phoney excuses, i bet it won't change the past 

I bet it won't change the past? What did that mean, Jensen, furrowed his eyebrows and cocked his head to the side as he watched his sister sing fantastically about the story that she had never told anyone that was about her relationship with her (who they still thought was her boyfriend) ex Zac? 

Paisleigh nervously looked behind, over her shoulder, to see how Jensen, Jared and Misha were reacting and, she knew straight away that Jared and Misha had an idea of what she was referring to and, it killed them inside. Yet, she let out a breath of air knowing that her older brother, Jensen, was still confused as ever and knowing that he was still confused made her safe as if she knew that he knew that Zac was in the audience with the knowledge of what he had done to his sister, Zac wouldn't even be standing up right now and watching this. 

closed for the weekend, don't you apologise i know you don't mean it, i quit

This was when Paisleigh closed her eyes in fear as that was when it slowly started clicking in Jensen's head at all the ideas of what she could be singing about in regards to hers and Zac's relationship. However, it wasn't until Paisleigh got to the chorus when everyone in the room, including J2M, Louden Swain and the audience finally understood as to what she was singing about and, it wasn't a quiet and un-obvious realisation either. Paisleigh heard multiple loud gasps of realisation ripple throughout the crowd and the anxiety it gave her was through the roof.

here's to the "no"s, to the "i think you should go"s, to leave his ass alone's to the hanging up the phone's

Hearing his little sister sing all of this gave Jensen the worst feeling in his stomach as he started to come to the realisation as to why he hadn't been hearing her talk about Zac anymore. It clicked in his head finally that this entire (almost) year that Zac and his little sister had been dating that he was abusive. The thing that knotted Jensen's stomach tighter than anything was the fact that he didn't even think to question the way Zac's attitude was always changing depending on the people he and Paisleigh were with. As, Jensen started to realise the way Zac was an absolute sweetheart when he was around the Ackles' family but as soon as Zac and Paisleigh had to leave, Zac would turn his attitude on its head and would instantly act like a prick, almost like how John Winchester treated Sam Winchester. And, it made Jensen's body crawl that it had taken him until this moment here, his sister singing this song about the survival of her abuse that he realised what was happening to his little sister. 

to the no man can demand my body, my spirit, my love, oh. here's to the "no"s, to the "walk yourself on home"s, to the keeping of my clothes, to the highs without the lows

Just watching how the entire Supernatural family was reacting to Paisleigh's song of relationship abuse made Zac feel like that he would soon have to make a run for it as it had now been made aware to Cliff and the other wranglers and security guards that he had managed to slip them and find his way into the convention. He knew that legally, he could get an even bigger jail sentence for breaching the restraining order from Paisleigh but, at that moment he had snuck in, Zac didn't even care, he just wanted to see the girl he abused but still loved at one stage on a convention stage doing the thing she loved the most with her family. 

to the no man can demand my body, my spirit, my love, oh, i've had enough! 

It was very obvious with the way Paisleigh was singing her song that she had enough of the way she was being treated by Zac. She hated the way that she was demanded to be a certain way and to look a certain way just to appease her boyfriend only to then be told that she wasn't trying hard enough. She was done with being his play toy and being disrespected just because she was an actor and the younger sister of Jensen Ackles. She didn't deserve to be treated like a rag doll because of her status in life as a celebrity. 

𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛. 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now