
Stefan and I were trying to walk into the school, our ears tipped out to hear any sign of Elena in the parking lot. Normally we wouldn't have to avoid her, but Stefan was still on edge about seeing her after the comet. She's near that green Toyota on your left, he said, and I looked out of the side of my eye to try and see her. She was talking to Bonnie as she walked, seeming to complain as she looked around the yard. I ducked my head down, gesturing for Stefan to do the same, but she must've seen us anyway.

She was dragging Bonnie by the arm, her hand in her hair as she called out, "Stefan!" We both paused in our steps, I groaned quietly as the two girls made their way over to us. "Good morning, Elena. Good morning, Bonnie." Stefan greeted, barely keeping the annoyance out of his voice. "Good morning." I greeted, managing to make my voice sound way more pleasant. Bonnie glanced down at her phone, mustering up a look of worry onto her face, "Hey, um, I gotta find Caroline. She's not answering her phone. So I'll see you guys later." She says, not even waiting for a 'bye' as she walks off. You know we can just leave, right? I asked him. We don't have to be around her if you don't want to see her. "I thought I told you to stop talking to me." He said, not even sparing a glance in her direction.

I could see her face drop out of the corner of my eye at the obvious dismissal from the object of her affections. It was satisfying to see her look like this was the worst day of her life. "You know, I don't think Bonnie likes you very much, but she will. She's just looking out for me. But when she gets to know you, she is going to love you." She carried on like Stefan had never even spoken. I subtly rolled my eyes, speaking before Elena could get lost in some sort of fantasy, "Look, Elena, we actually have to go. Class is going to start soon, and I think you know how Mr. Tanner is." I gave the most friendly smile I could, despite her obsession with Stefan, I wasn't here to make enemies.

"Oh, right,'" Elena said, looking a bit disappointed. "We can talk later, right? I really want Bonnie to get to know you guys better." Just one glance at Stefan and I could tell that he wanted nothing more than to leave immediately. "Sure." He said absently before he grabbed my hand, dragging us away from the brunette. I walked right next to him, our feet moving in sync as we headed to Mr. Tanner's classroom. We only got a few feet away from Elena before my senses went off, a supernatural feeling that something was heading my way. I quickly turned around, a millisecond faster than Stefan who caught the projectile that was flying towards his head.

I moved my eyes from the football to the direction it came from, the only two people in its general vicinity being Matt and a tall muscular douche with a weirdly shaped bone structure. I turned to Stefan, standing on my tip toes to reach his ear, "Make it hurt," I whispered to him, keeping my eyes directly on the perpetrator. Stefan nodded and reeled his hand back before throwing it using his enhanced strength. It bowled through the air, moving in a blur to the humans who watched it soar. When it reached its target it slammed straight into the boy's chest, causing him to stumble back before falling flat on his ass.

Everyone who was watching erupted in giggles, and it wasn't long before my hearing was swarmed with gossip. "You should try out for the football team." I told him, leaning on his arm as we began to actually head towards our class. "Only if you try out for the dance team." He replied, nudging me a little, "I've heard that they're looking for new members, and there's a rumor going around that they might do competitions." I sighed, I hadn't danced since I got pregnant, and with the way I was going to give birth soon there didn't seem to be any way  that I could join the dance team.

"It wouldn't be suitable right now, I'm going to burst soon, plus we still have to choose names, and decorate the nursery." We turned to the left, only a few classrooms away from the history room. "I don't think they're holding auditions until October, so you could audition then." I shook my head, that was rediculous. What kind of competiton team holds auditions right before the beginning of the competition season? "But then I wouldn't actually be able to compete. Nobody recruits new members right before the beginning of a season, that leads to a whole bunch of errors during dances if they even let the new members dance at all."

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