Volume 1 - Chapter 1

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That simple word that I've long been reaching for.., Was finally in my hands.

I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. A soon-to-be student of the most prestigious school, known as Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School, Though I prefer to call it ANHS.I am enrolled with my friend, Hironaka Kaori, who is currently sitting beside me.

Both of us seek nothing but entertainment and freedom from this school. Which is, I hope what would happen.

"Excuse me.., But, shouldn't you offer up your seat?" And with that, I was interrupted from my narration. I looked at where the voice came from and there, a is a young lady, standing beside an old lady, and in front of a Highschool Student with the same uniform as me and Kaori.

Kaori didn't seem to be bothered too much as she continued reading her book, I believe it's called "Classroom of the Elite"?

"Hey, you there. Can't you see that this elderly woman is having trouble?" The lady said. Her voice was carried out throughout the bus, attracting the attention of others.

"That's a really crazy question, lady." The high school boy responded back. I wondered whether the boy was angry, unobservant, or just painfully honest. In any case, he grinned broadly and crossed his legs.

"What the heck is going on in there?" Kaori asked. I just chuckled quietly, knowing she wasn't paying any attention at all.

"Why should I offer up my seat? There's no reason for me to do so." Blonde-kun replied. I can hear Kaori murmur something beside me but cannot hear it for some reason.

"You're sitting in a priority seat. It's natural to offer up those seats to the elderly."

"I don't understand. Priority seats are just that: priority seats. I have no legal obligation to move. Since I'm currently occupying this seat, I should be the one who determines whether or not I move. Am I supposed to give up my seat just because I'm young? Ha! That reasoning is nonsense." His words do not sound like the ones of that high school student.

His thinking made me think that he considers himself quite superior to others. Maybe it's because he was born from a rich family or something. But maybe, with someone like him in this school, things won't be much boring.

"I'm a healthy young person who certainly wouldn't find standing inconvenient. However, I'd obviously expend more energy by standing than I would by sitting. I have no intention of doing such a pointless thing. Or are you suggesting I should act a bit livelier, I wonder?"

"Wh-what kind of attitude is that to take with your superiors?" she demanded.

"Superiors? Well, it's obvious that both you and the old woman there have been alive longer than I have. There can be no doubt about that. However, the word 'superior' implies that you're referring to someone of a higher position. In addition, we have another problem. Even though our ages are different, wouldn't you agree that you have an impertinent attitude and are being extremely rude?"

Although his answer might seem rude to most of the people here, I can't help but agree with his statement. The lady can't help but be irked at him.

"Wha- You're a high schooler, aren't you?! You should be quiet and listen to what adults tell you!"

"It's f-fine, whatever..." the elderly woman mumbled. It seems like the Elderly woman does not like more trouble so she made them stop.

"Apparently, this elderly woman is more perceptive than you, which is nice. Also, I haven't given up on Japanese society yet. Please enjoy your remaining years." He said before flashing a pointlessly vigorous smile.

"I'm sorry..." The young lady said, her face making it look as if she was desperately fighting back her tears. The bus stayed silent for a few minutes until someone broke it.

"Um... I think that the lady is right." A girl, wearing the same school uniform as mine's and Kaori's, said.

"And the new challenger is a pretty girl, eh? It would seem that I'm rather lucky with the fairer sex."

"This poor woman appears to have been suffering for quite some time now. Won't you offer up your seat? While you might consider such courtesy unnecessary, I think it would contribute greatly to society."

"A contribution to society, you say? Well, that is a rather interesting opinion. It's certainly true that offering up one's seat to the elderly could be viewed in such a positive light. Unfortunately, I have no interest in contributing to society. I care only for my own satisfaction. Oh, and one more thing. You're asking me, the one in the priority seat, to give up his spot, but couldn't you simply ask one of the other people seated on this crowded bus? If you truly cared for the elderly, then something like priority seating would be a rather trivial concern, wouldn't you agree?"I just stayed silent, silently agreeing with the guy. I elbowed Kaori, who just nodded as she continued reading.

"Everyone, please listen to me for just a moment. Won't someone give up their seat for this woman? It doesn't matter who. Please." No one stood up, not even me and Kaori.

The reason being; First, we simply agree with the boy's earlier statements. I have to nudge Kaori to make her remember, but it would seem she does. Second, we simply don't want to, doing that wouldn't be fun at all. And finally third.., Surely, If either I or Kaori raised our hands, we would be pretty popular in the 1st years. But, as you could've probably guessed, we care less about our popularity in this school.

"E-excuse me. You can have mine." After a few minutes, someone finally gave in to the pressure.

"Thank you very much!" The young lady said. Finally, after so long, the commotion has ended. The commotion took too long that after it ended, we had already arrived at our school. I and Kaori got off after the other first years so that it won't be cramped.

"So this how it feels to be free huh? I'm pretty excited, Kiyo." Kaori said smiling. I smirked at what she said, this is what we want after all.

"Yes, although I do like to hold back a bit..., I would still prefer it if we cause chaos."

"Fufufu. Of course, now.., Let's go wreak some havoc, shall we?" Kaori smirked. We then walked to where the welcome ceremony is held, excited for the next 3 years.


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