On his way to the open kitchen, he glimpsed around the apartment. It's Chaeyoung's place - he knew this from Jimin. Now that Cheyoung's married, he wonders what will happen when she returns from her honeymoon. Jimin's already prepped his bachelor pad into a couple's den fit for the newlyweds. Will she sell this place? Will Lisa move out? 

The living room looks clean, with its all-white furniture and hints of blushing pinks here and there. He didn't know why he thought of this, but he felt it didn't suit Lisa. Even in the short while that he had spent talking to her, he's sure that she deserves more colours in her life. She likes wildflowers and long walks...she wasn't scared of a tease or a good, loud laugh - it's only natural to match with her personality.

Then, the silly little question he suddenly had on his way back after sending her home this morning re-appeared. Is this just a pit-stop for her? Will she move away like she moved here from New Zealand? Or will she go back to her homeland when she's ready? He shook his head immediately, afraid of the unknown that's still too far ahead. 

"Here," He came back with a glass of water. "Let's sort out your pillows,"

Lisa forced herself up to a sitting position, picking out the bread he handed after. He proceeded to plump up the flattened pillows and helped her lean on it. Only managed to eat half of the small bread, she took two tablets and wash them down with water while Jungkook poured the syrup into its ready plastic cup for her to take after. It's one of the most emotional contact for him to be here and it felt incredible.

He loved being able to help her. Even with pale skin, stringy hair and dry lips, he thought she looked beautiful. She's wearing a night blue vintage shirt that seems to be way too large for her small frame that the collar has slipped off one shoulder. He's not even going to dive into the fact that there's no strap revealed on her skin - nope! Not today!

"This is almost empty. Do you have any more?" He asked when he picked up the tissue box.

"I'm not sure...it's okay, I'll just go to the bathroom if it's finished,"

"I'll get some. I'm gonna go get some groceries, I'll be back in about an hour,"

"You don't have to come back,"

"I'm not leaving you alone like this. You're sick. Just get some sleep," Jungkook leaned over the bed and straightened the pillows that clearly didn't need straightening. "Maybe it's easier if you give me the keys so you won't have to get up?"

She nodded a sigh. "It's hanged by the door...with a little kitty keychain,"



Cute. "Is there anything else you need?"

"Maybe...no, that's okay,"

"What is it? Anything you want, I'll get it,"

A faint smile appeared from the corners of her mouth. "A Porsche and a tiara - thanks, you're the best,"

In that moment he knew he'd fallen way too hard for this girl. "The first might take some time to arrange but I'll see what I can do. Anything else that I can ACTUALLY get from the supermarket?"

"A bottle of Bacchus or any energy drink, please,"

"Pshh...how can you be so greedy while sick?" He smiled down stupidly. "I'll see if my bank account allows it,"



In the vague darkness, she runs around to find home. Her parents...she heard them calling her name teasingly. In the strange land she'd never been before, a small, round table stood. A cup of tea...still warm...a voice that sounds like a serenade floating gently in the air. And she stopped running. 

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