Chapter 2: It Just Doesn't Feel Right

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Demi's POV

After a long meeting at the studio about my small tour, I drove by Starbucks before heading home. I decided to go through the drive-thru so I don't have to deal with people screaming in my face. I got a venti caramel frappuccino with extra caramel. Literally heaven on Earth.

When I got home, I ran upstairs and threw myself on my bed. As I was sipping my drink, I began to think. I have everything that I could ever want. An amazing guy like Wilmer who has been by my side since the begining, a loving family even though I barely see them since they're in Texas, my bad as Lovatics, a successful career, everything. Yet I feel like something's missing.

I got off my cloud of a bed and changed into some comfortable clothes. I grabbed my heavenly drink and trudged downstairs to watch some tv. I was flipping through channels when I got to my favorite, the ID channel. The Perfect Murder is one of my favorite shows. This episode was about this trucker who would pull over at truck stops and snatch girls that were walking by. It gave me the chills just watching him.

After watching the episode, I realized why I've had this empty feeling in my chest. It's kind of weird that I figured out what's been missing while watching a murder show but whatever don't judge me. I need someone to take care of. I need a child. Strange as it might sound, I feel like a child would complete me. I jumped off the couch and ran upstairs to grab my laptop. I went online and looked up adoption centers in LA. I came across a website that a center that was a couple miles away from me. I called the agency and they said I would be welcome to come in about 2 hours. I thanked them and zoomed away to get ready.

Lilliana's POV

"Cause I'm only human.

And I bleed when I fall down, I'm only human.

And I crash and I break down.

Your words in my head, knives in my heart.

You build me up and then I fall apart.

I'm only human..."

I was sitting on the roof with my guitar. I just wanted to get away from everyone. I was singing the chorus of a song I was currently working on. As I sang, my tears fell down my face and my voice was starting to crack. The song is about putting on a facade and acting how everyone wants you to act. It's the worst thing you can make anyone do.

I was feeling pretty emotional lately because it's almost been a year since my mom died from an overdose. Yeah she was a pretty shitty mom and all but she was still my mom. I sure as hell don't miss my dad or Todd.

"Lily get down from there and help us! Someone's coming to adopt!" Marie yelled up at me. I stopped singing and put my guitar down.

"Okay whatever!" I yelled back. Marie's the boss around here. She runs this agency and helps us get adopted. Well, most of us. She's a real nice lady.

I threw my guitar through my window where it landed safely on my bed and climbed in after it. I carefully put it on it's stand and looked around my room. It was really clean so Marie won't be busting my chops about it. I went to the bathroom and checked to see if I looked presentable. My midnight black hair was cascading into it's naturally form all the way down to my waist. It looked a little frizzy but I don't care. My face looks clean and it's makeup free. I hid my Ed Sheeran Drunk t-shirt by throwing my purple flannel on. Marie hates it.

"Everyone get down here!" Marie yelled once more. You could hear footsteps running down and I internally groaned. I was so not in the mood to listen to Scarlet and he dumb ass cronies Violet and Champagne. Seriously who names their kid Champagne? I skipped downstairs just in time to bump into the plastics.

"How can you see over you boobs when you walk down stairs fatty? Seriously chill with the beans and rice," Scarlet's annoying voice rang out. I've had about enough of her. I spun around to face her and put my finger in her face.

"Listen here you ignorant slut. I've had it to here with you! I'm done with you calling me fat and making racial slus! Grow up and stop being immature all the time will ya? God you're such a bitch!" I yelled in her face. You guys have no idea how good that felt. To finally stand up for myself. But it came with a price.

"Lily how dare you yell at poor Scarlet. What has she ever done to you?" Marie said behind me. I turned around surprised.

"What do you mean 'poor Scarlet'?" I asked dumbfounded. Then I heard siniffling from behind me. I turned around and that bitch was fake crying! Her stupid cronies were comforting her, feigning concern.

"Marie it' fine. It's ju-just a f-few harsh wor-words," Scarlet said between sobs. Marie made a tsk-tsk sound behind me.

"Lily I never expected that from you. Go wait in my office. You are not getting adopted today," said Marie harshly. I turned around to face her with a hurt look on my face.

"Marie you're not being serious are you? You know she's lying!" I yelled.

"Lilliana I was standing here as you yelled harsh thing to the girl! Go to my office and stay there. I will talk to you once our visitor leaves," Marie said with a stern look on her face. Behind her, the plastics were silently high fiving and laughing. I was too angry and hurt to say anything so I stomped to Marie's office. I threw open her door and slammed it behind me. I tried really hard to push back the tears but I couldn't help it. My arms started to itch and I clawed at them

Cut you pathetic loser. You heard what Scarlet said. You fatty. You don't deserve to be adopted. What makes you think you deserve a family? Your mom died, your dad and his little friend hated you. You deserve NOTHING.

I grabbed my head and rocked back and forth. The voices wouldn't shut up. "SHUT UP!" I yelled. They refused to. I looked around the office and saw that a nail was sticking out of her old desk. I ripped it out and dragged it on the surface of my wrists. A thin line of red oozed out and the voices started to alm down. Until I had 5 lines did I feel better.

I put the nail back in the desk and I pulled my flannel sleeve back over my arm. I heard the front door creak open and then excited voices. I heard a familiar voice that I haven't heard in here before. I didn't think it was her but there might be a chance. I turned my head and my jaw fell all the way down to the floor.

Demi Lovato was smiling and hugging Scarlet.

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