CHP 3 {The Kiss}

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🚨TW and mention of Blood🚨

---------NEXT MORNING--------

--------Sapnap POV-------

I woke up to sound of my alarm clock and quickly turned it off so that I wouldn't wake up Karl. I stood up and rushed to the bathroom started brushing my teeth and took my clothes off and I started the warm shower. The water rushing down my body felt good. After bathing I wore a orange hoodie along with some black trousers because it was kinda cold outside. Then i went down to kitchen to cook breakfast for me and Karl.

--------Karl POV-------

I woke up to the sound of Sapnap closing the door and going downstairs. Then I remembered yesterday night I blushed because now I realized that I had a crush on my Best friend. I took my phone and started scrolling through the pictures we took at the Park. Then I got ready and went downstairs.

--------Sapnap POV---------

I was thinking about confessing about my love to Karl today by taking Karl to the beach and having a picnic. Just then I heard him coming to the kitchen and sniffing the pancakes I had made. 

--------NO ONE POV--------

The duo had their breakfast and Sapnap decided to ask Karl to go to the beach.

"Hey, wanna go to the beach"


"Let's go then"

"Woah, Ok"

--------Karl POV-------

Me and Sapnap got ready to go to the Beach and now we are jamming to music on the radio and now finally after 45 minutes we are here at the beach .

-----Sapnap POV----

I think about nothing and start setting up the picnic but for some reason the beach is quite empty, anyway I finish setting up the picnic and go to Karl to swim for awhile.

-------Karl POV------

I see a perfect picnic set up by Sapnap and him coming towards me to swim together. I am very exited to swim because it's been a while since I last swam with Sapnap.

"Come here Nick!"


--------NO ONE POV-------

The sweet duo enjoying their moment in the sea then sit down on the blanket to have a picnic together.

--------Sapnap POV

I remembered that I have to confess to Karl so I took this Moment to do so.



"I want to tell you something very Important"

"Go on"

" Karl, oh how do I say this"

"Don't worry Take your time I'm right here"

"Karl , I-I I LIKE YOU"


I quickly kissed him on the lips.

------Karl POV-----

I quickly ran after Sapnap kissed me on the lips, I kept running I didn't stop until I reached the street.

------Sapnap POV-----

I was completely dumbfounded and stood there for a good 5 minutes. Then finally my mind struck I have to find Karl. I quickly headed to the car and started finding him.


------Karl POV------

I Like Nick to but I- It was too Quick for me to decide what to do.

But then suddenly I passed out.

-----??? POV-----



Hello My lovelies! YES! I wanted to leave a cliff hanger.

Btw your not supposed to know who that is. Anyway Drink your water take meds if you have to get some sleep and enjoy your day and I will see you next time.

Word count - 500+

KARL x SAPNAP || BFF (BEST BOYFRIEND FORVER)Where stories live. Discover now