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Draco was late.

He accidentally overslept that morning; and he had exactly ten minutes to get to St. Mungo's before his shift started.

His last shift.

After sleepless nights of juggling his evening classes at the Wizengamot with his community service hours at the Elderly Ward of St. Mungo's, today was officially his last day, and already, Draco was feeling a little bit nostalgic. He had actually grown quite fond of some of the patients he'd been assigned to care for, and he'd certainly be lying to himself if he didn't admit that he also grew close to his supervising Healers over the last two years.

He was genuinely going to miss them.

The somberness of Draco's mood must have been transparent on his face, because when he finally arrived in St. Mungo's that morning and rushed to the Nurse's station to prepare for his rounds, his supervisor (a kind, motherly Healer in her forties named Estelle) smiled at him and gave him a knowing look.

"Now, I could be wrong here but...Today is your last day, is it not? Shouldn't you be happy that you'll finally be done with us and this dreary, smelly place?" She teased, handing him the list of his duties for the day.

"Yeah, kid." Lewis, another Healer (a robust-looking wizard in his thirties), commented as he looked up from his clipboard and gave Draco a good-natured grin. "What's with the long face? After today, you'll finally have more time to spend with that girlfriend of yours. Haven't you been neglecting her by being so busy all the time?" He kidded.

Draco flushed at his words and leveled him with a deadpan glare.

"I have not been neglecting my girlfriend." He grumbled.

Laughing at Draco's disgruntled expression, Estelle tutted in disapproval and swatted Lewis lightly on the head as she passed him on her way to the Healer's station. "Oh honestly. Don't tease him like that, Lewis. You know how crazy he is about that lovely girl of his."

"Well of course he's crazy about her. She's a veela after all." Lewis quipped back, giving Draco a knowing wink.

"It's not like that at all." Draco rolled his eyes at their teasing before he slipped himself into a pair of white nurse robes. "I was just thinking about how I'm going to miss this place. To be honest, I...really enjoyed working here with you all." He admitted, flushing in embarrassment at the fond smiles they gave him.

"Aww...Isn't he sweet? Can't we keep him, Estelle?" Emma, another Healer who was in her early twenties, said as she cooed at him and turned to Estelle. "Maybe you can talk to the Ministry and ask them to extend his sentence with us for another year? I'm going to miss having someone so cute and handsome to ogle all day while I'm doing my rounds." She added.

Draco nervously moved away when she tried to pinch his cheeks, causing the rest of the Healers around them to laugh.

"I'm not so sure Draco would want that. He has a lot of plans in the next few years." Estelle pointed out, crossing her arms and giving Emma a chastising look. "And you should probably keep your hands to yourself, Emma. You remember what happened the last time you tried to tease him like that."

Emma winced at her words while everyone else around them chuckled at the memory.

"Well, how was I supposed to know his girlfriend was Aria Potter?" She grumbled, though her lips were curled upwards into a smile as she glanced back at Draco and gave him a playful wink. "Or that she was an insanely possessive veela who likes to visit him unannounced from time to time?"

"She says she's sorry for hexing you, by the way." Draco drawled, stifling a smirk.

Emma pretended to make a face at him.

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