what happens on the other side of the USJ incident?

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That cheered up 1-A as well as the 3 musketeers. And so, they searched up some anime to watch. Roughly an hour into searching, they found an interesting one called 'Attack On Titan: Freedom Flights' that the original Author himself made. When they saw this, they all agree to watch it since it is interesting.

It starts off with a black screen and then they hear "This journey is how I became a symbol of hope and freedom in another world." Then it pans to Izuku with his wings outstretched. They all recognize the voice and person as Izuku. So they immediately stop it and get the UA staff, Inko and also Hawks over.

~~~Timeskip to when Inko and Hawks arrive~~~~

When Inko and Hawks arrive since they are the last ones, Nezu asks "Why did you call us all here?" To which Katsuki just says "Watch the TV screen, you'll find out why." And the opening is replayed and they all react seeing Izuku in the opening. They continue to watch.

"But in order to see why I am there, we will start off with why I was sent there. And it all starts when I was sent through a portal saving someone I consider as a brother, Katsuki Bakugo."

They pause the screen and look at him. He smiles and says "It's nice to know I'm considered a brother who I see as the same." Everyone smiles at what Katsuki said as they continue to watch.

Izuku had appeared in an open area with Torii gates leading the way. Him being the curious flying broccoli he am, had cautiously followed them. After a bit of time, he saw 2 couches, some food and drinks, and a weird looking fellow facing away from him.

"Why is there just a guy sitting there, waiting for someone?" Mineta asks. Nezu replies "He's waiting for Izuku to appear. Based on his posture, he isn't a threat to Izuku, if he was he would have been waiting with a weapon. Though he could have poisoned the food or drinks." Everyone else agrees with Nezu's theory as the scene continues on.

As if sensing Izuku's presence, He turns to Izuku and motions him over. Izuku moves over still tense, which the man can tell and says "You have no need to be tense, I managed to intervene and stop them from brainwashing you onto their side." After hearing that statement, Izuku visibly loses his tenseness but wonders where is he and who is the man.

Everyone sighs in relief knowing that Izuku was saved from that fate and hero society isn't going to be damaged more. But is curious about the man as well. Katsuki is relieved that he wasn't taken since he didn't want to become a villain, even if he is mind controlled.

While Izuku sits down and the couch adjusts so he can be comfy, the person starts explaining. "I'll explain who I am and also what I am. My name is Tr0ller, and I am one of many gods in charge of watching the multiverse, with each god in charge of a sector. We can influence universes, as well as go in them if the universe requires us to do so, though it's not often. If a universe gets too dangerous, we wipe out the universe before it can affect others."

"S-so he can wipe out our universe?" Toru asks in disbelief. Everyone else is also scared, I mean who wouldn't be? However they continue watching, wanting to know if their one is safe or not.

"S-so are you going to wipe out mine?" Izuku asks, while scared. Tr0ller notices Izuku was feeling scared and says "Your universe, young Izuku, is one I have no intention of wiping from existence. The reason why I interfered with Kurogiri's portals is because I have a request for you to help me with a certain universe." It was then that Izuku fully realizes that Tr0ller was a more powerful version of Zelretch.

"So he is a weeb?" Momo questions. Kirishima both say "We prefer calling him an anime enthusiast." with Bakugo and Mina agreeing with Kirishima. "What's anime?" All Might asks, with Cementos and Snipe wondering as well. "Anime can be many things, but it is always called that by people when referring to cartoons produced by our country." Mina explains, with the teachers that didn't know nodding their heads in understanding.

"You are a more powerful version of Zelretch." Izuku comments. "Anyway, if I agree to go to the universe, which universe do I go to?" while understanding that regardless of the situation, he's the one with the Emiya luck and Tr0ller is Zelretch. Tr0ller of course chuckles and replies "I am indeed a more powerful version of Zelretch. since you are a anime enthusiast, you should know of the AOT universe."

"""WHAT?""" all the anime enthusiasts among the people watching all shout. Denki continues "Why that universe?!" "Why, what's wrong with that world?" Tsuyu asks. This time, Sato answers "there are these giant humans called Titans that eat people. think of the titans as cannibals with a gigantification quirk permanently on. Humanity is also trapped within 3 walls. The only way to beat them is by slicing the nape." That terrified the people who didn't know the world Izuku was going into.

"I've seen the first season with a third of season 2. Are you sending me there?!" Izuku asks feeling a bit excited. Tr0ller smiles softly at Izuku and begins explaining the next part. "I'll be sending you in the year 845, on the day the colossal first attacks. I will need to do a couple things. first thing, I'll be de-aging you to 10 while allowing you to keep all the training you did on your abilities. I'll also allow you to regrow your wings growing back faster at the cost of stamina."

"That's too OP!" Sero says. Nezu, after thinking for a bit, says "Actually, for that world, he may need that ability just in case his wings get torn off." After hearing Nezu (or as the community has dubbed him, Rat Satan) say that, they realize that fact along with Sero facepalming at his own stupidity. "Why is he getting de-aged though? Is it because the main protagonist is that young?" Mellissa questions. that question then sparks questions within others.

"Send me in coach, I gladly do it and help save them all." Izuku happily tells Tr0ller, with the response being "One last thing, you absolutely cannot tell them the future of the world. You can tell them you are from another world, just no future telling. I'll allow you to bring people to your world once your journey is done."

"So we are gonna get more people potentially? Cementos, prepare more dorms in preparations for any Izuku may bring back!" Nezu commands him, while still drinking his infamous tea. Cementos complies but asks for a raise in return.

After Izuku disappears to appear in the AOT world, we see a screen appear in front of Tr0ller that shows the rumbling. "I have no doubts that you are the hope they need to end the cycle of suffering Izuku."

"What was that screen showing in front of him?" Midnight asks. The people that have read that far in the manga froze. Aizawa sees them freeze, asks "Alright, Sato, why did you and the others freeze?" "T-that is the rumbling. Where all titans go and kill everyone that is not on the Island of Eldia." Sato says.

~~~~~~~~~Timeskip no jutsu to them watching Izuku appear at Eren's house~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Izuku appears at Eren's house in hopes he isn't too late to save Carla from the smiling titan. He pushed the speed he could handle to appear there, thankfully he isn't too late, he just needs to freeze the surrounding wood that's trapping Carla. He then starts focusing on titans to kill while Eren, Mikasa, Carla and Hannes runs. He sends 2 feathers, one for Eren and one for Mikasa for them to recognize him when he meets them properly.

"Well that was nice of him freeing her, though she probably won't be able to walk properly for a couple weeks to a month." Momo says. However, Hawks says "now we get to see how many titans he kills." with the other boys that know agreeing with Bakugo betting "I bet 100 yen he kills at least 20." and the betting ring starts between the boys of class 1-A and the male teachers along with Hawks.

They all see Izuku and his spectacular dodging abilities weaving in between all the titans slicing their napes. Bakugo and Hawks was the closest in terms of how many titans Izuku would kill with Hawks betting around 30 kills. However, they all saw Izuku pull a sloppy version of Levi's spin. on his last one.

They see how Hange comes up to him and starts questioning him, along with Levi stopping her and Commander Eyebrows comes and asks Izuku to come with them, with Izuku feeling that he would be recruited into the scouts after enough questions were asked. The trial happens with them all anxious about his fate, yet were relieved when the Military Police failed their chance.

Then the episode ends and they all start chatting, though the overall consensus is that they were happy that Izuku was safe. They all agreed that one day per week will be focused on watching Izuku's journey through the AOT world and the impact he makes.

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