"No, that's what Finn is telling you, I'm not speaking Aunt Rose." Isiah looks away stubbornly.

"Did you just call me Aunt Rose?" Rose couldn't believe it, she was laughing. "Are you trying to make me feel old?"

Isiah shrugs, he wanted to smile but it wasn't really the time or place. "I'm just being respectful, that's all."

Rose shakes her head, chuckling. She looks at Finn who hadn't said anything yet.

"Well don't just sit there with a face as long as Livery Street, say something Finn. This is dead important, I need to get to the bottom of this." Rose nags.

"Fine, Sherlock Holmes." Finn starts. "Arthur wouldn't stop. He was really into the fight, he wanted to win."

Rose turns to Isiah, waiting for him to chime in. "Please elaborate, Mr J."

"What? Don't look at me, I want my lawyer here or it's nothing from me." Isiah scoffs.

Rose crosses her arms, frowning. "You don't have a fucking lawyer."

"Alright boys." Tommy walks in, shutting the door behind him. His hair was slightly messy from the violent winds outside and he wore his long black coat.

"I'll be out in a minute, Rosie." Tommy takes off his coat and waits until Rose has left the room to start.

"Alright." He leans against the wall, staring at them. "What happened?"

"It was a fair fight..." Finn lies, avoiding eye contact with his older brother.

"Yeah, Arthur just caught him with a good one." Isiah supports timidly.

Tommy stands there, contemplating their words. He wasn't buying any of it. Steadily, he walks towards them, pointing his finger.

"I saw the body. I saw it. Don't come in here, sit in my chairs and fucking lie to me. What fucking happened?"

Isiah gulps. "I ain't family, so I can't say anything."

Now it was up to Finn to explain.

"Arthur... he's done this a few times lately." Finn sighs. "Six, seven... it's like he's not there in the head. You can't get a word in. Even his own name. He won't stop. Then... he cries."

Tommy nods, putting his hands in his pockets. "Right, both of you listen up. I'm hearing two fucking stories from you both." He turns to Finn, getting closer. "Your brother killed a boy."

Finn hated being confronted by Tommy more than anything.

"Witnesses were there, questions will be asked. Get your fucking stories straight. It was an accident." Tommy makes very clear, with a very strict tone. "Now get the fuck out."

With no hesitations, Finn and Isiah quickly nod and leave.

Tommy falls back onto his chair, sighing. He already had enough to deal with. Everything always came back to him in full circle and he was starting to realise that there was truly no rest for him.


Sarah Jesus gripped onto the pot of soup in her hands as she walked through Small Heath with her best friend, Matilda Court. It was a cold day, the snow was melting away and things were busier than usual, granted that Christmas was a week away.

A Gangster With Roses • Tommy ShelbyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя