Chapter 3: Part 3

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Do not Devi this up, do not Devi this up!
Her mind repeats over and over as Devi captures sight of Aneesa. Devi stands directly outside Paxton's jeep in the crisp cool weather in the almost empty parking lot waiting on for Paxton after their last class of the day. She decided she would catch a ride with him home, as she usually would straight after school.
But as Aneesa's eyes turn and land on Devi, Devi feels as an adrenaline runs through her, making her fidget excessively with the strap of her bag.
Aneesa doesnt catch on to Devi's nervous behavior and strides on over unsuspecting of what she would be walking into.
Devi feels as her breathing begins to pick up the closer she gets... and, by god, she prays Ben does not mention a single word of what had happened previously earlier that morning... that had all been one big mistake, right?... one very big mistake?... Ben had kissed her...
He kissed her... her heart speeds as she thinks on it... because not only did he kiss her... she had kissed him back... and that confused her terribly...
The very thought of his lips meeting hers... it continues to melt away into everything she would think about that day... he had kissed her passionately... and the taste of his lips still lingers on hers... fresh and lasting, the wet of his lips clear in her memories...
"Oh, hey Devi." Aneesa says, intruding in on her thoughts and brings her back to reality. Devi's eyes just flicker over her, nervously, her mouth starting to feel dry... too dry to utter a single word. "Have you seen-"
Devi suddenly feels the strong urge to cut her off, jumping in prematurely.
"Who? B-Ben?" She laughs nervously. "No... why would you assume I would know where Ben would be?"
Aneesa raises a brow, suprised, unexpecting of Devi's reply.
"W-well, no-"
"I mean, why would you even assume that? I did not see him earlier today... if that's what your asking?- wait! He said something, didnt he?- you know-ridiculous... right?" She says quickly, suddenly realising how fast she breathes and how quick she talks, or how she had been scratching nervoulsy at her arm. She swallows, her throat suddenly feeling extremely tight.
"Are you ok?"
Devi nods, a little to excessively.
"Mmhmm." Devi hums back, preventing herself from talking and making this any worse.... She had practically already just dug herself a big deep hole.
Aneesa's gaze begins to turn suspicious.
"Yes?" Devi replies, her eyes not meeting Aneesa's now, but looking around for Paxton in the hopes he may just save her in time... or just looking around for the sake of not letting things go down hill any faster than it already had... she did not trust herself to utter another word or even look her way...
Aneesa folds her arms infront of her, her expression turning frustrated.
"I was only going to ask about El... but... since your acting like this... now... I think I should be asking you something else."
Devi tries preventing a wince, but it rolls upon her face uncontrollably anyway.
"Like what?" She whimpers.
"Like did... did... Ben say... or..." Aneesa tries swallowing down on her emotions... a thick lump wanting to grow quickly at her throat... the fear that what she had been suspecting... or rather dreading... beginning to emerge more distinctively in her mind and take hold of her... she doesnt want to ask... but she also knew she would have to. "Did something?"
Devi tries to hold back a tense chuckle, but the guilt building more and more makes her loose her ability to keep it in.
Aneesa's brows tighten more angerily. Her mouth drops in disbelief... she could feel a surge of anger at how Devi had been acting.
Devi opens her mouth hesitantly... her words not wanting to come out.
At the exact same moment, from afar, as he strides out of the school building, a shocked Ben catches sight of the pair from afar and his feet come to a dramatic stop.
At first he indecisively stands there, darting his gaze between the two, wondering if going over would be the biggest mistake... should he go over?... would he make things potentially worse if he had- was what had been rooving on in his mind.
But as his eyes come across El and Fab as they both dwardle out from class and toward the girls, he thinks he may take the chance, taking in a deep breath, preping himself to confront the two- Devi and Aneesa.
Aneesa's eyes narrow instantly the moment they find Ben, whilst his eyes widening with shock and a tinge of fear, and he feels the adrenaline wanting to pulse terribly inside him. Taken back, he doesnt know what to do or how to react as he reaches the girls.
Aneesa turns to him sternly.
"Aneesa!" El greets her, as Fab and El reach them simultaneously with Ben. "You forgot your scrunchy thingy at my place..." El stops as she finally notices the way Aneesa stands so rigidly... her fierce glare locked only onto Ben alone.
"Ben, what happened-" Aneesa begins to snap before she is suddenly interrupted.
"I kissed Devi." He blurts out unexpectedly, the impending doom of the whole situation playing on too much on his system, and so he squeezes his eyes shut instinctively, just waiting on for the string of verbal words that would leave him feeling as though he had just been verbally punched.
But instead... Aneesa says nothing... the silence deafing... the silence making him feel as though he were sinking in pure guilt. He hears as she storms off. El and Fab stand by completely shocked... El's eyes roaming from Ben to Devi and back, aghast, then her expression completely transforming to pure disappointment.
El decides quickly to chase after Aneesa, as Ben begins to lift his eyes and land them back onto Devi. Devi can feel her heart pounding... and she cant look at him, her eyes diverting away.
"No, Ben. Not know."
"You need to tell Paxton-"
She storms over to him, an inche remaining between the two as her brows tighten on him.
"No I don't!"
His eye brows pinch together.
"You really should."
"Really? Would you have told any of this to Aneesa if this didnt just happen?"
"Yes! I would never hide what happened!"
"Yeah, ok." Devi scoffs unbelievingly.
"Devi." He rumbles, annoyed.
"You kissed me-"
"And you kissed me back!"
Fab stands there completely shocked... completely uncomfortable. She inches herself away slowly, both Devi and Ben too absorbed in their own conversation to remember she were even there.
Devi scoffs loudly, incredulously.
"Ben! This is all your fault!" She cries.
"Aneesa knows... and Im just saying... Paxton should next."
Devi attempts to walk away, now tired of waiting on Paxton, but Ben closely follows behind.
"Why?' he grumbles, annoyed.
She suddenly turns to him not knowing what to say, when she's met with something else unexpectedly... or rather someone else unexpectedly.
"What should I know?" She hears the familiar voice, sending a quick chill down her spine.
Devi swings round to face him... to see Paxton standing there, watching her with a crooked little smile on his face.
Shit! - the words springs to her mind.
"T-that... t-that Ben was going to a Clippers game this weekend and-"
"Oh really, Devi?" Ben groans, in disbelief.
"Oh right... what does that have to do with me though?" Paxton laughs, unsuspectingly.
"That's what I told him." Devi nervously laughs, trying to hold up face... but her cheeks fluster excessively.
Paxton's eyes turns to Ben, his eyes narrowing on him more as he waits on for an answer. Ben looks on at him confused... his brows pinching together in awe that he had really believed Devi's story.
"Oh." Ben suddenly scoffs, indicating his hands to himself as he begins to realise Paxton had actually really wanted an answer. "Y-yeah, yeah. Clippers game, Paxton. Go Clippers." he hurls an unenthusiastic fist into the air, trying to show support for his team.
Paxton doesnt respond, but Ben watches him on amazed as Paxton takes his reply without question... Paxton nodding like he had completely believed all this! And it frustrates Ben that he didn't seem to question this... all this! Ben's face scrunching up in disbelief, eyes sizing him up critically and wondering upon if Paxton had really actually been all this clueless... as though he couldn't see right through Devi's most obvious lie...
Paxton takes a deep breath in then out, pinching his lips together then nodding again.
"I prefer the Lakers." Is his reply?!- Ben thinks to himself.
"Me too, Paxton." Devi chimes in, watching him with some adoration, whilst Ben rolls his in response. But then Ben gazes on as Paxton's expression changes and his eyes so doting on Devi... Ben's eyes sharpen on the two, wishing Paxton wouldnt look back at her that way... the way he were gazing back at her right now, it were making his blood boil.
"Never knew you were into basketball, David-" he says, trying to interrupt them.
"Huh? Don't you have somewhere else to be Ben?" Devi says hinting with her eyes in the direction Aneesa stormed off too. Ben's face scrunches up, annoyed with Devi... was she really going to act this shallow... did she even care about Aneesa... but most of all that swam on in Ben's mind were if she were really ready to turn her back to what had happened?... leave Ben like this... and he finds he has to sternly walk away, not able to watch on as Paxton gets to look at her the way he were... the way Ben wanted to look at Devi... the way he felt when his heart would pound firmly in his chest only for her... He has to leave before it could hurt even more...
Devi turns her attention back to Paxton, sliding her hand into his, trying to forget all that happened... trying to forget all that weighed on in her mind... trying to forget she had just hurt a friend... trying her hardest also to forget Ben... not let the thought of his lips caressing hers intrude on in her thoughts... or how she had felt after... the electrifying feeling still pulsing through her system, making her blood pound with something heavy...confusion... and even desire?... something she would need to elude straight away from her mind...
All these racing thoughts wanted to intrude forcely on her mind...
Paxton's lips curve into a smirk.
"So... I was thinking... bowling tonight?"
Her face tries lighting up to his idea of a date-
"The guys were thinking we could grab burgers before hand-"
Devi's face drops upon hearing the word guys.
"There's a burger joint just-"
"No. I thought our date would just be us, Paxton... you know... you and me."
"Yeah, but the guys want to tag along. The more the merrier. And they said they had to come."
Devi groans as they walk to his car.
"No worries..." she shrugs disappointedly. "I can't go tonight anyway."
He gazes at her confused.
"My mum... you know... family stuff."
Yep, she hadnt wanted to mention the fact her mother had made her be 'curtious' and ask Mr. K to stay over for dinner at their place... every night... she thinks as the ultimate punishment for Devi having broken her window the other night. But with all that had happened today... it wasn't the worst... maybe it wouldn't even be that bad...

Hi Guys! Sorry for taking so long with this part... we getting closer to Christmas and it's been very hectic! I hope I did ok with this part... I'm really not one hundred percent happy with it but I have taken so long to put up a new part and just added it in hopes it would be still ok? I love all your feedbacks! And if you guys have suggestions you can always let me know! I love to hear if you guys want me to add anything or anything like that! sorry if my next part may take a while again but I will be adding on parts as soon as I can guys! Sending you all hugs and hoping everyone has a very merry Christmas! Xxxx all ♡

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