Meeting New People

Start from the beginning

"Hi. My name is Shane Walsh." He greeted, extending his right hand. Swapping Buddy's leash over to my left hand, I shook it.

"Courtney Baker." I said. "My friend is Melissa. The one that keeps honking." I joked, gesturing to the bright pink car. Shane chuckled, then glanced down at the boy and girl.

"Would you like to meet my friends?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Sure." I said cheerfully. I followed Shane over to the two women. They smiled as we approached. Buddy started wagging his tail, sticking close to the little boy and girl.

"Lori, Carol, this is Courtney Baker. Courtney, this is Lori and Carol." He introduced us.

"Hi." I greeted, extending my right hand. They smiled and shook it.

"This is Sophia. My daughter." Carol stated, bringing the girl closer to her.

"Carl's mine." Lori declared, tossing the boys hair. He scooted away from his mom, glaring at her. I chuckled.

"So are you guys heading to Atlanta?" I asked.

"Yeah. Figured if the military's there, may be safe." Shane stated, rubbing his head as he looked around.

"True." I said. Suddenly, Carl turned to Lori.

"Mom, can I have a snack?" He asked.

"Carl I don't think we got anything." She whispered, rubbing his shoulder.

"I think we have some military food packets." Carol offered.

"Thank you." Lori murmured. Carol nodded and went around the side of the van. Carl and Sophia hopped into the truck, where a checkerboard was set up.

I noticed a broad, older guy following Carol. I didn't hear what they said, but it sounded like arguing. Although, it looked more one sided, the side being the man.

Carol nodded, and sullenly came back. "I'm sorry. We don't have any." She whispered.

"It's ok. Thanks for the offer." Lori said, rubbing Carol's shoulder.

"I have some food." I offered. "I can go get it."

"You don't have to." Lori stated.

"It's fine. We have plenty. I'll be right back." I turned towards Melissa's car, towing Buddy along. I opened the back seat, rummaging through the bag of food I brought.

"What're you doing?" Melissa asked.

"I met this family, and their son is hungry." I explained, pulling out a granola bar. Sophia's probably hungry too... I pulled out another bar.

"Well, don't give it all away." Melissa grunted, resting her head on the head rest. I nodded, grabbing a few juice boxes. Taking Buddy, I made my way back to Lori, Carl, Shane, Carol, and Sophia. Plus that man who looked like he was about to shoot me. I handed Sophia and Carl each a granola bar and juice box.

"Thanks!" They said in unison, eagerly opening the wrappers. Lori and Carol threw grateful glances at me, sitting beside their families.

"So, Courtney, what'd you do?" Shane asked, leaning against the car door.

"I was at UGA. I was studying to become a doctor." I stated. "What about you?"

"I was a police officer. Deputy." He said. "Deputy of King County."

"Cool." I said, smiling.

Before he could respond, explosions sounded in the distance. Glancing up at the sky, towards Atlanta, I saw several orange flames licking the sky, and then quickly evaporating. Lori grabbed Carl, pulling him into her. Carol did the same with Sophia, as they gazed in shock at the fireball.

"What the hell?" Shane demanded, starting towards it.

"Shane no!" Lori called, then looked desperately at Carl, then back at Shane. Shane was maneuvering around cars, towards the explosion.

"I got Carl." I offered Lori. She nodded, following Shane. I sat down beside him, wrapping an arm around him. Patting the seat between Carl and Sophia, Buddy obediently jumped up, laying beside the two terrified kids.

"You guys can snuggle Buddy. He's a good boy." I said. Carl immediately wrapped his arms around Buddy's neck. Buddy didn't protest, but he did lift his head up, ears perked. I followed his gaze to the woods. Buddy growled at the woods, his neck fur rising. Carl scooted away, fearful.

"It's ok. Something is spooking him." I explained to Carl, turning to the woods.

"Do you think it's the monsters?" Carol whispered, rubbing Sophia's hair.

"I don't know." I responded, holding Carl closer. Gratefully, Carl wrapped his arms around my waist. Rubbing his hair, I kept one eye on the woods. Then I noticed shapes trudging out of the shadows, stumbling like drunks towards the cars. I glanced at Carol, and immediately noticed the fear in her eyes.

"We have to go!" I declared. Buddy stood up in the car, his neck fur bristling. He started to bark at the shapes, drawing his teeth back into a snarl. I hopped out, glancing around for Lori and Shane. They weren't anywhere near here. Turning to Carol and the kids, I had to think of something. I glanced around. Then I noticed a highway sign.

Next Exit: One Mile.

I knew where we were.

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