Chapter 9: Loki's Quest

Start from the beginning

The fire burning in his eyes sets your heart on fire as his kisses trail down to the bare tops of your breasts above your dress. You can do nothing but nod in agreement as the lightest touch from his lips ignites the passion building in your body. His hands slowly untie the back of your dress as his teeth graze your neck. You lean your head back giving him ample room to roam and kiss your skin. You quickly set to work, pulling off his suit jacket and unbuttoning his shirt. Your body is craving his- needing to feel him pulsing against you.

After removing every stitch of clothing, Loki's lips trail their way over your legs- "Beautiful," he whispers. Up your thighs- "Gorgeous," he growls. He places small, sensual kisses over your mound- "Devine." You can feel his manhood sliding against your leg as he works his way up. His kisses trail over your abdomen- "Wonderful," he continues traveling up your body. He kisses each of your breasts- "Perfect." He finally lands on your lips, kissing deeply, hungrily- "Mine," he groans softly as you feel his body join into yours. You can not contain the moan that he elicits from your lips. This only encourages him as he takes you over and over again.

After several hours, you are laying in one another's embrace- your heart full. You smile and kiss him gently, "Lohk, what will we do if Odin refuses our courtship?"

Loki smiles at you, furrowing his brow only slightly, kissing your hand and wrist, "I do not know, my love. But whatever it is, we will do it together." He smiles and kisses your forehead as you curl yourself against him.

There is a quick wrap on your door, "Lady Y/N?" A guard asks. "Odin demands your presence. I am to fetch Prince Loki as well."

You look at Loki who quickly teleports to his room before you stand and dress quickly. "I'm coming. I will be there shortly."

When you exit your room, there are two guards that tail you as you walk to the throne room. The doors are already open. Loki is approaching from the opposite side. You give him a slight smile as you both take each other's hands and approach Odin. Frigga has taken her normal station on the left side of Odin while Thor, alone, stands to his right. You and Loki walk to the base of the throne. Loki, who is usually so proud and bold, is now silent and somehow seems smaller and timid. He does his best to persuade you otherwise but the bond between the two of you is growing stronger the longer you are together,

You look up at Odin whose face is as stone-like as ever, "You call..."

"You will remain silent, Y/N Barnes," Odin barks, causing you to stop mid-sentence. You do not want to anger him anymore than necessary given the fragility of your and Loki's relationship. "I'm trusting that Loki has told you of his heritage? The danger that his true lineage possesses?" Odin smiles seeing your look of bewilderment. "No? I simply concurred that since you had chosen one another, all would be known."

His condescending tone is setting your teeth on edge. You glance over at Loki who is now looking everywhere but your eyes.

"Father, this is not the time or the place," Thor finally speaks, breaking the silence that has fallen over the room.

"Quite right, Lady Y/N should see for herself what her chosen companion really is," Odin stands and walks down the stairs to Loki. "Loki Laufeyson of Jotunheim, I am, this day, sending you on a quest to return the Tesseract to its rightful place- here- on Asgard."

Thor and Frigga both look at Odin in shock. "Father, plea..." Thor tries to interject before Odin silences him.

"All-Father, I believe I may be of assistance. Please allow me to go with Loki," you ask, your eyes begging Loki for some explanation.

"No Lady Y/N. You must stay here. Although you may no longer hold the title of Protectress, the people of this realm still need and rely on you." He smiles back at you, but something in the way his lips curl, turns your stomach, "I will not, however, send your beloved alone. Thor may accompany him. He must, however, be responsible for carrying and placing the tesseract in the vault."

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