Chapter 4:

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Morgan POV

I didn't know what was going on everything was pitch black, I woke up with a lady talking "No no she's fine a couple of bruises on her arm but i fix her up" she said as I looked down at my arms.

Soon I found out I was in the nurse office laying down on a standard flat couch I sat up then stood up and walked to the room to a women with red hair and she's even prettier then me.

I cleared my throat to get her attention, the nurse looked at me "Okay Mrs. Jackson you have a nice day to, buh bye" she said.

She hung up the phone and gave me a smile "Hello my name is Ms.Pat and I'm covering for Ms.Thorn" Ms.Pat said.

Ms.Pat looked like she was in her young twenties.

"Oh i just wanted to know what period is it" I ask as she looked up on the computer "... Um? Well actually it's a free period and next period is 6th" Ms.Pat said.

Great so I missed 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th period, well at least this day Is almost over all I need to is just avoid the popularity then I'm out of this so called school.

"but don't worry the bell will ring In two minutes" Ms.Pat said as I nodded and went to the room that I just lied down, I turned my head to see all my books on the counter next a sink.

I grabbed my books and waited for the bell to rang.

Ding Ding Ding the bell rings I went to the wave to Ms.Pat and tell her thanks for what she did, I went out to the hallway and started to walk.

I walked in to my last class which was health class to see the popularity everywhere talking, writing bad words on the chalk board, or just making out which would be Diggy and Nichole.

I took my seat which was in the back of the class waiting for the teacher to start the lesson, two four minutes later the bell rung letting the people in hallway that your late and teachers to close their doors.

"okay class please take you seats" Mr. Sold said as everyone went to the seats "Good afternoon class" "Good afternoon Mr. Sold" the class said.

"So today's lesson is about Alcohol and other drug uses" Mr. Sold said as it got silent "Now how many of you do drugs" Mr. Sold said nobody raise their hand for that question.

"Good... Now do any of you drink alcohol" Mr. Sold said as hands started to raise up in the air even Diggy and his crew does them, I was shock that everyone in this class about 16 or 17 drinks alcohol.

"okay" Mr. Sold said as he looked at Diggy "Mr. Simmons when you grow up what do you want to be?" "That's easy a rapper" Diggy said as everybody clapped for him.

"Alright now answer this question for me... Why do you drink alcohol" Mr. Sold said as every eyes were on Diggy "I don't know" Diggy said as if he was getting annoyed.

It was silent for a second then Mr. Sold spoke again "See all of you guys raised your hands and when i ask you why do you use it you can't tell me" Mr. Sold said.

"I know why you all drink alcohol.. It's because of you getting abuse, or it could be depression, or fitting in" Mr. Sold said, "today I will be assigning you all with partners" he said.

Everyone groaned "Now hold on... Ms. Jackson can you tell me what are drugs" Mr. Sold said I felt every eye on me "I bet she can't even ask that question" "Because she's dumb" Trevor said.

Everyone laugh as i sunk into my seat "Ms. Jackson can you please answer the question" "O-okay" I stuttered as I was hoping people wouldn't make fun of me when I answer this question.

"Well it's a medicine or other substance that has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body" I said as I felt confident for answering the answer.

"Correct" Mr. Sold said as he went behind his desk "okay so for the project you and your partner will pick one topic and these topics are alcohol & drugs, disorders, or sexual behavior" Mr. Sold said.

"So when I called you and that person that you will be working with you will come up here and get a green form that will give all information about this project" He said.

I'm kinda nervous to see who my parent is gonna be what if it's Trevor or Jaden or Diggy, oh god please don't let me get partner up with Diggy I rather work this project solo.

"Nichole and Michael" Mr. Sold was already calling name and every name he called got my stomach all into a not, nope didn't hear my name or Diggy name either.

What if we're partner up I would bang my head against the wall as many time as I can, "and last but not least..." Mr. Sold said please don't let me get Diggy please, please, please don't.

"Diggy and Morgan"

Oh Crap.

Sorry for this long chapter, but I hope you like this and plz comment on this

Thx bye 💖✌️❤️

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