Part 5

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Harry was nervous that people would stare at him if he ticced.


One of the things that trigger them even more. Making it a circle of shite.

He whistled, the so called 'vocal tics' had been more there today than the motor ones.

"Wow!" He ticced and slammed his palm on the back of the car seat. Sirius turned to look at him.

Harry winked at him, sirius raised his eyebrows almost in a form of amusement.

"Nooooo," harry buried his face in his hands dramatically. The adults laughed.

"Hey," remus said to get the stressed boy's attention, "it'll be alright."

Harry looked up and sighed. "But- rock, paper, scissors." He tried to talk but the vocal tics kept interrupting him. 

He groaned, this was gonna be a long day.


After visiting Gringotts, the went to get a uniform fitted.

"Yes Mr.Potter would you just stand on the platform so i can take your measurements." Madam Malkin directed. Harry did as he was told.

He whistled and popped his lips. He tried to keep them down, or getting outlet for them in smaller ways. Like popping his lips, tapping himself on the knee, or som head twitches. But the vocal tics were fighting hard to get out and he couldn't keep them back for much longer.

Luckily tho, she was nearly finished. "There we go, now would one of you two come with me." She asked and looked towards remus and sirius. They had stayed there, because harry asked them to be there in case he got one of those tic attacks or something.

Remus stood up and followed her.

Harry couldn't suppress them anymore, "whatever- take that- butterbeer or what?-" they kept coming. "Ditch 'em off the astronomy tower- what! Whatever-" his neck was jerking back and forth and his shoulders went up and down. 

"Help me -whatever- sirius!" Harry chocked out between interruptions.

Sirius looked lost, he didn't know what to do. The doctor had said that calming him down could help. "Breath." He whispered and pulled him into a hug.

Harry tried to stabilize his breathing. And it worked at first, but harry realized how many people were in the shop and it made him more anxious.

He was twitching in every direction, and muttering silent words into sirius' shoulder.


Remus had come back and taken the two of them out of the shop. 

Sirius hugged harry until he was calm and breathing properly. His tics had calmed but were still happening at least every twenty seconds or so. 

"Lets go and get something to eat."

They had found a nice cafe with private tables. Harry knew that the whole school would see him ticcing by the next three weeks. And probably just a little bit longer before the entire British wizarding  community knew. He could already see the headlines...

The chosen one, possessed or disabled?

Written by Rita Skeeter.

But that was not something to think about when he was trying to keep his nerves under control. 

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